2 Korat chicken processing factories report over 100 infections

PHOTO: Cory Nedlik/Flickr

2 chicken processing plants in northeastern Thailand’s Nakhon Ratchasima/Korat province have got the bubble/seal treatment after over 100 employees tested positive for Covid. The outbreak from the two poultry factories, which employs over 10,000 workers, aroused fear in the nearby residents at the prospect of Covid running amok in their area.

Today, the Chok Chai district chief Somchai Amphankarn, and other officials had a meeting with executives from the 2 plants to decide on measures to handle the situation. The factories names were not revealed.


At one plant, 56 workers were revealed to have Covid and then at the other factory, around 300 employees tested positive for Covid. Mass testing was performed on 3,260 of the 8,000 workers.

Then, at the other factory, around 300 workers were tested for Covid and 60 people tested positive. Then, mass testing of 799 workers revealed 11 more people had Covid.

At today’s meeting, the bubble and seal strategy was decided on. The plants’ employees are confined to their dormitories inside the factories.

Officials say medicine and other “essentials” will be provided to the workers … by the factory. And that workers who tested positive will be placed inside community isolation centres inside the factories. Further, the Chok Chai hospital will supervise the isolation centres and patients who develop severe symptoms will be taken to the district hospital.

2 weeks ago, a Phetchabun chicken processing plant reported having over 3,000 infections.


SOURCE: Bangkok Post

Covid-19 News

Jack Connor

Jack is from the USA, has a B.A. in English, and writes on a variety of topics. He lives in Thailand.

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