UK News

Judge clears Rooney’s lawyers of misconduct in libel case

Judge finds no wrongdoing by Rooney's legal team in costs dispute

A judge has ruled that Coleen Rooney’s lawyers did not engage in misconduct or intentionally mislead over their legal costs in the “Wagatha Christie” case. The decision comes as barristers debated how much Rebekah Vardy should contribute towards Rooney’s costs following Vardy’s defeat in their 2022 libel dispute. Vardy’s team alleged that Rooney’s side had initially understated their legal bill to create an apparent gap, which they claimed was used to challenge Vardy’s costs. They argued this amounted to “serious misconduct” warranting a reduction in the amount Vardy should pay.

Rooney’s legal team refuted the allegation, and on Tuesday, the judge concurred. Senior costs judge Andrew Gordon-Saker stated that while there was a “failure to be transparent,” it was not sufficiently unreasonable or improper to be classified as misconduct. He concluded that Rooney’s team did not commit wrongdoing and that it was not appropriate to reduce Vardy’s final bill.


The “Wagatha Christie” case garnered significant media attention in 2022. Coleen Rooney, wife of former England footballer Wayne Rooney, accused Rebekah Vardy, wife of Leicester player Jamie Vardy, of leaking stories about her private life to the press via Vardy’s social media account. Rooney conducted an investigation by posting false stories on her private Instagram, visible only to Vardy’s account. When these stories appeared in the tabloids, Rooney publicly revealed her findings, implicating Vardy.

Vardy sued Rooney for libel, but the judge found Rooney’s claims “substantially true” and ordered Vardy to cover 90% of Rooney’s legal costs. Typically, the losing party in such cases pays the other side’s reasonable costs, but the judge has discretion based on various factors, including conduct.

During the recent hearings in London, Vardy’s barrister, Jamie Carpenter KC, argued that Rooney’s claimed costs of £1,833,906.89 were “disproportionate,” exceeding their agreed budget of nearly £541,000 by more than three times. He described the earlier understatement of costs as “improper and unreasonable,” suggesting it involved knowingly misleading Vardy and the court. Carpenter highlighted some of Rooney’s costs as “extraordinary,” including expenses for a five-star hotel stay for a lawyer, with significant charges for dinner, drinks, and the mini bar.


Rooney’s barrister, Robin Dunne, countered that the suggestion to reduce Vardy’s bill was “misconceived,” noting that their initial budget was not intended to be an accurate or binding representation of all costs. The hearing, concluding on Wednesday, addresses points of principle, with a detailed line-by-line assessment of costs to follow at a later date.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Yahoo News: No misconduct by Coleen Rooney’s lawyers in the ‘Wagatha Christie’ libel case, a judge rules, dismissing claims of deliberate cost understatement by Vardy’s team.(read more)
  • Gateway 978 reports a judge’s ruling that Coleen Rooney’s lawyers did not engage in misconduct during the ‘Wagatha Christie’ case, addressing accusations of misstating legal costs.(read more)
  • No Misconduct by Rooney Lawyers in ‘Wagatha Christie’ Case, Judge Rules. Coleen Rooney’s barrister defends legal costs, dismissing Vardy’s claim of extravagance, in a high-profile defamation case.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Did Coleen Rooney’s lawyers commit misconduct in the ‘Wagatha Christie’ case?

No, a judge ruled they did not commit misconduct.

What did Mrs Vardy’s team claim about Mrs Rooney’s legal costs?

They claimed Mrs Rooney’s team ‘deliberately understated’ their bill, which they argued was serious misconduct.

What was the outcome of Rebekah Vardy’s libel case against Coleen Rooney?

Mrs Vardy lost the case, and the judge decided Mrs Rooney’s claims were ‘substantially true.’

How much was Mrs Vardy ordered to pay towards Mrs Rooney’s legal costs?

Mrs Vardy was ordered to pay 90% of Mrs Rooney’s legal costs.

What did the judge say about Mrs Rooney’s legal team’s transparency?

The judge noted a ‘failure to be transparent’ but found it was not misconduct.

Lilly Larkin

Lilly is a skilled journalist based in the UK, with a degree in Political Science from the University of Manchester. Her expertise lies in political, social news. In her free time, she enjoys reading social media news to keep up with the latest trends and understand the pulse of society.

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