UK News

Air fryers now third most-used kitchen appliance in UK

Air fryers rise to third most-used kitchen appliance in UK

Air fryers have become the third most-used kitchen appliance in the UK, trailing only toasters and microwave ovens, as revealed by an annual survey. Their popularity surged due to their energy efficiency, which attracted households grappling with the cost-of-living crisis. The Good Food Nation study highlighted that air fryers are now used more frequently than traditional electric or gas ovens.

The survey, which included 2,003 adults, indicated that 58% now use an air fryer, an increase from 46% the previous year. This shift is emphasised by the fact that 33% of respondents have stopped using conventional ovens. Despite claims from air fryer manufacturers that their products can make perfect toast, toasters remain in use by 77% of those polled, slightly more than the 75% who use microwave ovens.


Additionally, the survey disclosed that people still consume meat on average four times a week, with nearly 19% eating meat daily. Surprisingly, Millennials (aged 27 to 42) are the most frequent meat-eaters, with 26% consuming it every day, followed by Gen Z (aged 16 to 26) at 24%.

However, Millennials and Gen Z are also the most likely to follow vegetarian, pescetarian, or vegan diets, at 27% and 17% respectively. In contrast, Baby Boomers and individuals aged 78 and over are the least likely to adopt these diets, at 8% and 5% respectively.

The poll also revealed that 60% of people do not understand the concept of a carbon footprint, though 25% would consider changing their diet if they had more information about its carbon impact.


Lily Barclay, content director for Good Food, noted that participants expressed a desire to learn more about sustainable cooking and eating, which could lead to behavioural changes. The study further confirmed that air fryers, which were relatively unknown two years ago, have now become a staple in many UK households.

The findings also showed that 32% view cost as a significant obstacle to eating sustainably, while 24% are more inclined to purchase products with sustainable packaging, and 23% prioritise sustainability in their food choices. Additionally, 26% reported that they do not waste any food during a typical week.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

How popular are air fryers in the UK?

Air fryers are now the third most-used appliance in UK kitchens.

Why have air fryer sales increased?

Their energy-saving credentials appealed to households during the cost-of-living crisis.

How often do people in the UK use air fryers compared to conventional ovens?

Air fryers are used more often than conventional electric or gas ovens.

Which age group is most likely to eat meat every day?

Millennials (27 to 42 years old) are most likely to eat meat every day at 26%.

Do people in the UK understand what a carbon footprint is?

60% of people do not understand what a carbon footprint is.

Lilly Larkin

Lilly is a skilled journalist based in the UK, with a degree in Political Science from the University of Manchester. Her expertise lies in political, social news. In her free time, she enjoys reading social media news to keep up with the latest trends and understand the pulse of society.

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