US News

Florida transit agency installs Narcan kits at bus terminals

PSTA first in Florida to train staff on Narcan for overdoses

A transit agency in Florida has set up new Narcan kits at its four bus terminals and is training employees on using the nasal spray to counteract opioid overdoses. The Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) announced it is the first transit agency in Florida to implement such a Narcan training programme, with a kit also placed at its headquarters.

“We transport numerous people daily. Sometimes, individuals become unresponsive due to preexisting medical conditions or other reasons,” stated Eddie Kester, PSTA’s safety, security, and training supervisor. “We aim to have the right tools for such situations.”

Kester acknowledged the existing challenges and emphasised the need for measures to assist those in need within Pinellas. Since 2018, Pinellas County has recorded a consistent rise in deaths from accidental opioid overdoses, according to the Pinellas County Opioid Task Force.

Dan Zsido, a retired lieutenant from the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office with 40 years in law enforcement, mainly in narcotics, is training hundreds of PSTA staff on the Narcan kits. “This small device with a minimal amount of fluid can be a lifesaver,” Zsido explained, referring to the Narcan nasal spray.

Zsido noted that overdoses could stem from heroin, prescription medications like oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, or street drugs, including fentanyl. The Narcan kits, accessible only to PSTA staff, were installed before International Overdose Awareness Day on 31 August.

PSTA aims to make the public aware that these life-saving resources are available at bus terminals during emergencies. “We might be a pilot programme for other counties,” Zsido suggested, expressing hope to extend this initiative and save more lives. Officials are considering the eventual installation of Narcan kits on all buses.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Naloxone Dispensing focuses on the importance of timely access to naloxone, a lifesaving opioid overdose reversal medication, particularly in emergency settings.(read more)
  • PSTA has implemented Narcan kits at bus terminals to train employees and increase accessibility for opioid overdose victims, aiming to save lives.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What are the new Narcan kits for?

The Narcan kits are for reversing opioid overdoses.

Where were the Narcan kits installed?

The kits were installed at four bus terminals and PSTA headquarters.

Who is training PSTA employees to use Narcan?

Dan Zsido, a retired lieutenant with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

Why did PSTA decide to install Narcan kits?

To help people who go unresponsive due to opioid overdoses or other conditions.

What kinds of drugs can Narcan reverse overdoses from?

Narcan can reverse overdoses from heroin, prescription medications like oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, and street drugs like fentanyl.

Jamie Cartwright

"Jamie is a keen traveler, writer, and (English) teacher. A few years after finishing school in the East Mids, UK, he went traveling around South America and Asia. Several teaching and writing jobs, he found himself at The Thaiger where he mostly covers international news and events. "

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