
  • Tourism News

    Thai health officials propose flights from the Middle East for medical tourists

    Public health officials are discussing scheduling flights from the Middle East for medical tourists seeking treatment in Thailand. Deputy Public Health Minister Sathit Pitutecha says the move to bring foreign patients, who are free of Covid-19, to the country’s hospitals could “potentially boost Thailand’s economic growth during the Covid-19 pandemic.” There are about 10,000 people around the world who seek medical…

  • Economy News

    Key foreign investors could be exempt from quarantine

    Key foreign investors might get to skip out on the 14 day quarantine required for travellers entering Thailand. Allowing high spending investors a free pass on the isolation period is aimed to help revive the economy after it was battered by the pandemic. The Centre for Economic Situation Administration, or CESA, is expected to discuss the proposal today. Special measures…

  • Phuket News

    Phuket luxury resorts become quarantine facilities for travellers on the Special Tourist Visa

    Thailand is opening its doors this week after a 6 month ban on international tourists, catering to those on the new Special Tourist Visa who have time on their hands and money to spend. The first group will arrive to Phuket from China on Thursday, but they all have to go through a mandatory 14 day quarantine and it isn’t…

  • Tourism News

    Global tourism plunges up to 80% in 2020

    Internationally, tourism will plunge between 60 – 80% by the end of the year. The UN World Tourism Organisation makes the forecast in their latest report. The prediction, broad and probably conservative, will put millions of workers in the world’s tourism industry, out of work. In Thailand, with its reliance on tourism as a significant contributor to its GDP, will see…

  • Thailand News

    Bangkok Airways offering up to a 20% discount to certain groups of Thais

    Bangkok Airways is offering 10 to 20% off its standard rates to certain groups of Thai citizens. The demographic groups are split into 5 categories: senior citizens who are 60 years old or over, undergraduates which include students and teachers, disabled persons, travel-related professionals and government officials. All groups will receive 20% discounts except government officials who will receive 10%.…

  • Tourism News

    Travel agents push to end quarantine for tourists from countries at low risk for Covid-19

    Travel agents are pushing to end the 14 day quarantine required for foreign tourists arriving from countries classified as a very low risk for spreading Covid-19, hoping the government will agree with the idea and start in December. The move could bring in at least 100,000 tourists per month, according to president of the Association of Thai Travel Agents, or…

  • Thailand News

    Buy a meal on a Thai Vietjet flight, get a 40% discount at a hotel

    Now that the ban on inflight food and drink has been lifted for domestic flights, Thai Vietjet is offering deals to promote their meals. Those who buy a hot meal, either purchased onboard the flight or reserved online, will get a 40% discount for a stay at Serene Phla Resort and Restaurant. The airline just resumed inflight food and beverage…

  • Tourism News

    83% drop in foreign tourists expected by the end of 2020

    Travel restrictions brought on by the Thai government, as a response to the coronavirus pandemic, have contributed to a drastic decline in number of foreign tourists with an expected drop of 83% from last year’s count of 39.8 million foreign tourists to this year’s predicted total of 6.74 million foreign tourists, according to President of the Tourism Council of Thailand…

  • Visa Information

    The first tourists to arrive next week on the Special Tourist Visa

    The first group of foreigners under the new Special Tourist Visa will be arriving to Thailand next week after a 6 month travel ban on international tourists. About 120 people are set to fly from Guangzhou, China and land in Phuket on October 8. As some would say, at least it’s a start! The new tourist visa scheme comes after…

  • Visa Information

    Want to stay in Thailand? Get your visa figured out by October 31

    In a very last minute decision, foreigners stuck in Thailand will have another grace period until October 31 to get their visa in order. The Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha, in announcing the new visa amnesty, recognised that travel restrictions are still in place around the world and the coronavirus continues to spread with global deaths surpassing 1 million. After rumours…

  • Visa Information

    Special Tourist Visa 2.0 – This is what should happen on September 26

    OPINION So here’s an idea. If Thailand truly wants to attract tourists why not offer FREE QUARANTINE for the first 10,000 people who contact their Royal Thai Embassy and register to come as tourists under the new Special Tourist Visa. The Thai government or TAT could pay the hotels directly (I bet it will be a lot less than the…

  • Visa Information

    Special Tourist Visa – now officials want you to ‘quarantine’ in your home country before coming to Thailand

    On one hand the Thai government unveils its big ‘plan’ for a Special Tourist Visa, allowing minimum stays of 90 days, extendable to 270 days (almost 9 months). On the other hand they have put up a list of restrictions that, at best, will severely restrict any return to ‘normal’ tourism in the country. Apart from the local 14 day…

  • Thailand video news

    Heavy rain, big protest tomorrow, special tourist visa | Thailand News Today | September 18

    Daily TV news from around Thailand. Police catch inmate who escaped prison dressed as a guard He was smart enough to get hold of a prison guard uniform and escape, but was wasn’t smart enough to not get caught. The inmate who walked out of Phetchabun Provincial Prison yesterday, disguised as a guard, has now been recaptured. Police were able…

  • World News

    Travellers from Thailand can enter United Kingdom without quarantine

    No more quarantine for those travelling from Thailand and entering the United Kingdom. Thailand and Singapore will be added to the UK’s so called “travel corridor” list starting tomorrow. The Thailand Foreign Ministry deputy spokesperson Natapanu Nopakun says this is “good news, adding that Thailand’s Covid-19 prevention methods have been recognised by other nations. He says several countries have removed…

  • Visa Information

    Travel businesses told to prep for long stay tourists, with an October kick-start looming

    The first round of long-stay tourists on the newly approved visa will be able to enter Thailand by the start of October and the Tourism Ministry is pushing for tourism business to get ready now (get ready for a predicted 1,200 tourists per month?!). On the other hand, not much as been said about the thousands of foreigners who are…

  • Tourism News

    Covid-19 mysteries still unsolved, health officials brush off risk of reopening borders

    What’s the risk of spreading Covid-19 if borders are reopened? None apparently, just as long as tourists go through a 14 day quarantine when they enter the country, according to the Department of Disease Control. Long stay tourist visas were just approved by the Cabinet and the DDC deputy director general Tanarak Plipat says the move will not raise the…

  • Tourism News

    Ready for another holiday? Cabinet considers a long weekend to boost the economy

    There might be another long weekend coming up soon. So much revenue was brought in from the recent 4 day holiday weekend earlier this month that some government officials think another couple days off could help give the slumped economy another shot in the arm. The 4 day weekend earlier this month (a Songkran replacement) circulated some 8.8 billion baht…

  • Tourism News

    World Tourism Organisation reports on destinations re-opening to tourists

    53% of the world’s tourist destinations have now started easing travel restrictions government’s imposed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic – the claim from the UN World Tourism Organisation in its latest update on the state of the world’s re-openings in the Covid-era. The UNWTO acknowledges that many destinations “remain cautious” and some are even re-closing borders and tightening up restrictions…

  • Food

    Miss airplane travel? Here’s some flight experiences that don’t leave the ground

    Since international travel is still on pause, some are getting their flight experience on the ground. Airplane cafes and flight experiences are becoming more and more popular. Thai Airways has not only opened a pop-up café to sell airplane food, but they are also offering flight simulations to the public. The stimulator flying experiences start at 12,000 baht for 30…

  • Bangkok News

    Global economics report expects Bangkok to have the highest tourist drop

    International travel restrictions have crippled Thailand’s tourism industry so much that Bangkok might end up with the highest loss of tourists out of all the major cities in the world. A report from the global forecasting company Oxford Economics predicts Bangkok will lose about 14.5 million incoming foreign tourists by the end of the year. Cities across the world are…

  • Tourism News

    3 to 4 years for tourism revenue to recover, research centre says

    It’s going to take years for Thailand’s tourism revenue to recover. A lack of international tourists caused income to drastically drop and it’s going to be at least 3 to 4 years until revenue is back to normal, according to the Krungthai COMPASS Research Centre. Many tourism companies are also changing their marketing approach to stay in business, focusing on a…

  • Tourism News

    Thailand is the fourth most searched-for destination for your next holiday

    Since early 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has stopped us from taking our holidays, or doing much travelling at all. But as travel restrictions ease, which destinations are coming out on top for our post-lockdown holidays? has dusted off the calculator and checked the Google Search Volume data for the search terms “Flights to X” and “Holidays in X” to…

  • Visa Information

    Plan for long-term visitors set for October

    After months of discussing plan after plan, Thailand will have a solid plan for long-term foreign visitors by the end of October. At least that’s what a senior officer says. (We realise you’re sick of hearing about ‘plans’ but whilst the officials keep rolling them out, we’ll keep reporting them) Long-term travellers would need to do a 14 day quarantine,…

  • Phuket News

    Not so fast! Phuket’s plans to reopen slow down

    “We have to rely on domestic tourism demand for now because we can’t reopen our borders yet. Some people in the area still haven’t accepted the idea… It doesn’t mean that we’re pulling the plug on the plan though.” Phuket is not going to be back up and running as soon as expected. Plans to let international tourists back in…

  • Travel

    London to New York in under 4 hours – Will there ever be another Concorde?

    We’d flown in propeller-powered planes, then jets. Supersonic was the next evolutionary step in flying people around the world as the 1960s came to a close. Now, 50 years after Concorde’s early flights, supersonic flight is again just another aviation pipe dream as we pack into our cheap ‘flying buses’ which are not much different from the first successful commercial jets…

  • Visa Information

    The end of the visa amnesty – get your house in order

    Up to 500,000 foreigners are now thought to have been part of the Thai government’s visa amnesty which was introduced in April for foreigners, both on tourist and other visas, who were stuck in Thailand and unable to leave. Around the world, planes had been grounded and Thailand closed its borders at the time. Six months later, and following 2…

  • Tourism News

    Thousands head to Koh Chang, 3 hour wait for island ferry

    Cars full of tourists headed to Koh Chang waited for hours in a 2 kilometre long line to get on the ferry to the island. More than 10,000 people are expected to visit the island for the 4-day weekend. Many have Friday and Monday off work as substitute holiday time for Songkran which was cancelled in April due to coronavirus…

  • Tourism News

    Food services return to Thailand’s domestic flights

    If you’ve travelled on a Thai domestic flight recently you’ll know that it’s been a relatively boring experience. One the safety demo is over, that’s the last you see of the flight attendants as they head to the back of the plane and chat – there’s been nothing else for them to do because of the ban on food and…

  • Expats

    Tourism officials look to end dual pricing for expats

    “The key factor is we have to treat expats like locals, without discrimination or a negative attitude towards foreigners.” Admission fees at national parks and tourist attractions are often drastically higher for expats than they are for Thai nationals. Foreigners sometimes even pay 10 times more than Thais. Tourism officials say they might put an end to dual pricing for…

  • Things To Do

    Top 10 ways life is different in the Covid Era

    Get used to it. Things have changed. There is no ‘new normal’, there is just NEW. We’re living in the Covid era and all having to adjust to economic calamity, changed schedules and some things, previously easy, are now difficult, or banned altogether. What are some of the things that have changed? Wearing masks Like it or not, the wearing…