
  • Covid-19 News

    World hits milestone in Covid-19 total infections and deaths

    The world has hit a new milestone with 500,000+ deaths and 10 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 with officials warning the worst may be yet to come. Meanwhile more than 5.5 million people have recovered from the virus. The statistics surged through the milestones yesterday, coupled with another record mark for daily new infections at 189,000. The true death toll of…

  • Covid-19 News

    India opens one of largest hospitals to treat coronavirus

    After seeing the biggest one-day increase in Covid-19 infections, India is partially-opening one of the world’s largest hospitals specifically to treat the virus. The Sardar Patel COVID Care Center opened on Sunday, making 2,000 of its 10,000 beds available so far with the rest being made available on Wednesday. The opening, coincided with Delhi being marked as the world’s worst-hit…

  • Covid-19 News

    UPDATE: Covid-19 cases pass 10 million, deaths surpass 500,000

    The Covid-19 coronavirus has now officially infected over 10 million people worldwide. We emphasise “officially” because today’s sad milestone only accounts for confirmed cases. The 10 million case milestone was almost certainly passed some time ago with the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention announcing recently that infections in the US alone could be 10 times greater than reported.…

  • Covid-19 News

    India’s Covid-19 cases surpass 500,000

    India reported more than 17,000 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, putting the country ‘s total above 500,000, as reported by the Federal Ministry of Health today, with infections occurring in major cities including the capital, New Delhi. India has the fourth largest virus outbreak worldwide in confirmed infections, and follows only the US, Brazil and Russia, according…

  • Covid-19 News

    WHO says to keep breastfeeding, even with Covid-19

    The World Health Organisation says those mothers who are suspected of, or indeed have Covid-19, should continue breastfeeding as its benefits outweigh transmission risks. In a press release yesterday, the organisation said “Recommendations on mother-infant contact and breastfeeding must be based on a full consideration of not only of the potential risks of Covid-19 infection of the infant but also…

  • World News

    Second wave of Coronavirus hits South Korea

    Despite reporting relatively low cases, health officials from South Korea claim they are in the midst of a second wave of Covid-19. Although the nation was previously referred to as a success story for Covid-19, they now say they are expecting the pandemic to continue for the next few months. Jung Eun-kyeong, Head of the Korea Disease Control Centres, said that the…

  • Covid-19 News

    2 new Covid-19 cases, both imported (June 9)

    Today there were 2 Covid-19 cases amongst returning Thai citizens from overseas. There were no locally transmitted infections. That makes 15 days without any local transmissions of the virus in Thailand. Dr. Pannapha Yongtrakul, the CCSA assistant spokesperson, explained that the 2 new cases were from overseas arrivals. • 1 had arrived from Saudi Arabia and entered state quarantine across the southern…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 update: 9 new cases, all imported (May 27)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration announced 9 new cases of Covid-19 at this morning’s daily press briefing. All 9 were ‘imported’ cases by Thai nationals returning from overseas, “bringing attention to the importance of the state quarantine process and border control”, according to CCSA spokesman Dr Taweesilp Visanuyothin. Of the 9 cases, two recently returned from the US. The two…

  • Covid-19 News

    Covid-19 update: 6 new cases nationwide, deaths toll remains at 54 (Saturday)

    The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration today has confirmed just 6 new Covid-19 cases over a 24 hour period, for the second consecutive day. That’s the lowest in over a month, and again no deaths, leaving the total death toll at 54 people. It’s the sixth consecutive day of single-digit numbers. Half of today’s new cases are in the southern…

  • Covid-19 News

    15 new national virus cases, 5 imported (Sunday)

    Thailand’s health officials have confirmed a total of 15 new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus. Of these, 5 were imported cases of Thai nationals recently repatriated from abroad who were sent directly to mandated state quarantine. No new deaths were reported in today’s daily media update. 2,922 people have been infected in Thailand since the beginning of the outbreak in…

  • World News

    Singapore battles to control new surge in Covid-19 cases

    The tiny island state, earlier seen as a vanguard for Covid-19 containment, has now seen a recent spike in cases pushing it to the top of the list in south east Asia’s tally of total number of cases. Singapore yesterday recorded 1,426 new COVID-19 infections, bringing its total to 8,014 (as of 9am Thai time) in a population of just…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai dengue fever infections rise to 8,147 in three provinces

    Dengue fever, the painful, sometimes fatal mosquito borne illness also known as “bone break fever,” is making its annual resurgence as heavy rains in many regions of Thailand return with a resultant explosion in the mosquito population. The deputy director of the Department of Disease Control is warning people to beware, as over the past 3 months, 8,147 people in…

  • Covid-19 News

    51 new virus cases nationwide, infections among health workers rise

    New confirmed cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus in Thailand fell to only 51 today, the lowest number in weeks. Sadly, the new cases include 13 health workers. The number had trended steadily down until yesterday, when it shot back above 100. 3 additional deaths were also reported today. Total confirmed infections in the country now stand at 2,220, the cumulative…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: Tokyo faces climbing case numbers, makers of ‘Corona’ beer suspend production

    The international toll has reached 1,097,810 and deaths 59,140 with no sign of a slowdown at this stage (7.30am Thai time). The world will be adding 100,000+ new case every 24 hours within the next few days unless we start to see a flattening of the curve. The US has had another day of burden for its health system –…

  • Covid-19 News

    Passengers on 2 Thai Airways flights from London test positive for coronavirus

    Authorities in Nonthaburi province, just outside Bangkok, have announced that passengers of 2 Thai Airways flights from London to Bangkok may be at risk of contracting the Covid-19 coronavirus because 3people on those flights were found to be infected. The 3 passengers developed symptoms en route and later tested positive. In a Facebook post, the Nonthaburi Provincial Public Health Office…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus infections rise among Thai health workers

    Infections of the Covid-19 coronavirus among doctors, nurses and other staff on the front-line of the battle against the disease are causing concerns. Yesterday the Thai Health Department announced 143 new infections bringing the total in Thailand to 1,388 since the outbreak began in January. The number of newly infected health department personnel was 8. Doctors, nurses and other staff…

  • Covid-19 News

    Thai epidemiologist warns public to stay home to avoid virus surge

    As the number of Covid-19 coronavirus infections rises around Thailand, an epidemiologist from the Ministry of Public Health is urging the public to stay home, avoid all social interaction unless absolutely essential and practise social distancing whenever you need to go outdoors to avoid an outbreak like those in Italy and Spain. Ministry epidemiologist Walairat Chaifoo says that the total…

  • Covid-19 News

    60 more cases reported in Thailand, taking the total to 272

    Thailand’s director-general of the Department of Disease Control, has announced 60 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 coronavirus infection. 43 of the people were linked to boxing stadiums (including the ‘Lumphini cluster’ at a boxing stadium north west of the capital), entertainment venues, and religious ceremonies. The latest cases is the highest number of new cases in Thailand in 24 hours,…

  • Covid-19 News

    Coronavirus UPDATE: Spark in cases in Italy and South Korea, Air Asia cancels flights

    Coronavirus (Covid-19) cases have now reached 79,561 around the world, with 77,345 of the cases confined to China. The rise in cases has been principally in China with 409 new cases and South Korea with 161 new cases. 2,619 people have died from the infection. The major outbreaks, outside China, have been in South Korea, aboard the Diamond Princess (still…

  • Environment News

    Second death in China from virus concerns officials with the CNY holidays looming

    “At least 41 people have now been diagnosed as being infected this latest flu-like strain.” Medical officials in China’s Wuhan city have announced that another man had died after being infected by the new coronavirus strain. Thailand and Japan have now reported new cases of a the Chinese Coronavirus that has already killed two and infected at least 40 in…