anti-government protests

  • Thailand Protest News

    Activists dispersed, protest leaders arrested, as State of Emergency declared in Bangkok

    “It is extremely necessary to introduce an urgent measure to end this situation effectively and promptly to maintain peace and order.” This was how state television announced the imposition of a State of Emergency in the capital in the early hours of this morning, effectively ending a political rally at Government House that had been set to continue “indefinitely”, according…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Protest leader Arnon calls impromptu demo to push for release of activists

    Anti-government protest leader Arnon Nampa took to social media yesterday to call on fellow activists to assemble at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre for a pre-protest protest. They are demanding the release of 21 arrested protesters who were rounded up by police yesterday whilst setting up for today’s scheduled rally around the Democracy Monument. In a live broadcast on…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Protest leader says activists “in it for the long haul”

    Human rights lawyer and protest leader, Arnon Nampa, says political activists seeking to oust the current Thai government are “in it for the long haul”. The leader of the People’s Group (formerly the Free People movement) says protesters will gather at Bangkok’s Democracy Monument on Wednesday (October 14), before proceeding to Government House. There, he says they will set up…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Anti-government activists confirm details of October 14 protest

    Members of the Free People pro-democracy group have gathered in Bangkok to confirm the details of a protest planned for October 14. Human rights lawyer Arnon Nampa, one of the key leaders in the current anti-government protest movement, confirmed to those gathered at the Sanam Luang public square in Bangkok that the rally will kick off at 2pm next Wednesday.…

  • Phuket News

    Officials says no illegal land encroachment at Phuket’s Sri Panwa resort

    After coming in for some negative online attention recently, the land title deeds of the Sri Panwa Phuket resort have been investigated and found “to be in order”. The 5-star hotel first attracted the attention of netizens when its owner, Vorasit Issara, publicly criticised anti-government activist Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul, calling for her arrest. He also claimed she wasn’t Thai, a factually…

  • Bangkok News

    Bangkok officials issue advice to motorists to avoid parliament area due to protest

    Bangkok motorists would do well to avoid the roads around the Sappaya-Sapasathan building later today, with a political rally set to take place there this afternoon. That’s the word from officials, who have issued guidance to motorists ahead of the protest in front of the new parliament building, expected to kick off at 2pm and continue late into the evening.…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Heightened security at Thai parliament ahead of Thursday’s pro-democracy protest

    Security is being tightened to the highest level around Thailand’s new parliament building, in advance of Thursday’s planned anti-government protest. The protest was announced on Sunday as the weekend’s anti-government rally came to an end around Sunday lunchtime. Additional measures to beef up security include the readying of an evacuation helicopter, in the event that officials need to “take flight”.…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Sri Panwa Phuket getting social media flak after owner criticises pro-democracy protest leader

    The owner of a luxury resort on the Thai island of Phuket is facing a social media storm after condemning the current pro-democracy movement and one of its main organisers. Taking to Instagram, Vorasit Issara, owner of the five-star Sri Panwa Phuket Resort, singles out protest leader, Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul for his disapproval, saying “she should be in prison”. “This bullshit has…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Kasetsart school bans use of name, logo, at political events on grounds of “neutrality”

    A school forming part of Bangkok’s Kasetsart University has banned students from using its name or logo in any political activities. Anti-government protests have been ramping up around the country since mid-July, with a large rally set to take place at Thammasat University in the capital on September 19 (although Thammasat officials have currently denied permission for the demonstration to…

  • Politics News

    Thammasat University officials ban September 19 protest

    Thammasat University, once a bastion of democratic voices and student expression, has refused permission for an anti-government protest, set to take place on its Tha Phra Chan campus in Bangkok, on September 19. University officials say they are banning the gathering as organisers have “failed to follow the institution’s guidelines” on hosting political events on campus. Officials are referring to…

  • Politics News

    Bangkok police prepare for mass university protest on September 19

    Police in Bangkok say they’re gearing up for a large-scale student protest, set to take place at the Tha Prachan campus of Thammasat University on September 19. Pakkapong Pongpetra, Metropolitan Police Commissioner, says officials are not sure how many days the rally will go on for, or if those taking part plan to move from the campus to other parts…

  • Politics News

    Activist vows university rally will take place, with or without permission

    The political activist Parit Chiwarak, aka. “Penguin”, says a rally planned for September 19 at Thammasat University will go ahead, even if permission is refused from the University’s management. The gathering is set to take place at the university’s Tha Phra Chan campus in Bangkok, with Parit saying he expects around 50,000 people to attend. Khaosod English reports that the…

  • Politics News

    Foreign Ministry refutes Amnesty allegation that Thai government is gagging protesters

    Thailand’s Foreign Ministry has hit back at an Amnesty International statement that accuses the Thai government of violating citizens’ rights to free speech and freedom of assembly. The statement, sent to Amnesty’s 8 million members worldwide, calls on followers to petition Thai PM Prayut Chan-o-cha to drop all charges against 31 leaders of anti-government protests. Amnesty is also calling on…

  • Politics News

    Students gather at Education Ministry, issue ultimatum

    “Thai education has made us puppets. We are not robots of the system; we are the youth and have the right to express ourselves.” The Education Ministry in Bangkok has been chosen as the stage for another student rally, with around 300 young people, from 50 schools, gathering there yesterday afternoon. The students have been repeating their 3 key demands,…

  • Politics News

    Student Union denies protests are being engineered by opposition Thai politicians

    The Student Union of Thailand has hit back at a suggestion from “royalist” groups that political activists are being manipulated by politicians. Spokesperson Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul says it is the students themselves who are organising everything, including coming up with a 10 point manifesto, which includes a controversial call for reform of the Thai Monarchy. Last month, Panusaya read out the…

  • Politics News

    Activist burns copy of public assembly law handed to him by police

    The pro-democracy activist, Panupong Chadnok, also known as “Mike Rayong”, has responded to police handing him a copy of the Public Assembly Act by setting fire to it. Panupong is currently out on bail, having been arrested on charges of sedition. The Bangkok Post reports that this latest act of defiance took place at a rally in Bangkok yesterday, with…

  • Politics News

    Thai Government puts wheels in motion for constitutional reform

    The coalition government has approved a motion that sets the stage for the 2017 Thai Constitution to be amended. A report in the Bangkok Post today says a 200 member panel is being formed to oversee the process. Members will include 150 elected writers, as well as senators and academics, while student representatives may nominate a further 50 members. It’s…

  • Politics News

    PM warns that ongoing political protests will cause nation to collapse

    The Thai PM, Prayut Chan-o-cha, has accused anti-government protesters of dividing the country, warning that their activities may bring about the collapse of the nation. The words are his harshest yet, as he rebukes those who continue to call for his resignation and the dissolution of parliament. “If we want to overcome each other politically, the nation will collapse. If…

  • Politics News

    Watana stands by decision not to touch certain chapters in proposed charter re-write

    A prominent member of the Pheu Thai Party has defended the decision to leave unchanged the chapters which relate to the Monarchy and to Thailand’s sovereignty, in its proposed re-write of the Constitution. Speaking in response to recent criticism from the Kao Klai Party, Watana Muangsook says any proposed changes will require majority support in order to be implemented, and…

  • Politics News

    Students mock Culture Ministry guidelines on how to talk to elders

    As political differences continue to divide the generations, Thailand’s Culture Ministry has weighed in on the matter, issuing guidelines on how the younger generation should interact with their elders. “Stand straight, hold hands below your waist, bow slightly. Do not stand too close or too far from pooyai. If receiving orders, stand straight, with arms by your side. In other…

  • Politics News

    Thai nationals overseas voice support for anti-government protesters

    As anti-government protests continue in the Kingdom, similar rallies are taking place overseas, driven by Thai nationals living abroad. The Bangkok Post reports that a Scotland-based group, known as Thais Rise Up, is planning a rally in Edinburgh on August 29. In solidarity with its fellow citizens in Thailand, the group is calling for the Thai parliament to be dissolved…

  • Politics News

    Opposition party suggests 3 amendments to Thai constitution

    Thailand’s opposition Kao Klai Party is proposing 3 amendments to the nation’s constitution, without affecting the chapters related to the monarchy or Thai sovereignty. The party suggests forming a Constitution Drafting Assembly, with the members directly elected by the Thai people. Their suggested changes to the constitution include abolishing the appointed Senate and cancelling all orders issued by the military…

  • Politics News

    Psychologist concerned that younger students may not fully understand politics

    A leading Thai psychologist warns that younger students who lack sufficient understanding of political matters may be more easily manipulated into following others. The director of the Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, Dusadee Juengsirakulwit, says those taking part in student protests are younger than ever and may not have the necessary knowledge to fully understand the situation. She says access…

  • Politics News

    Human rights lawyer Anon arrested again in Bangkok

    Thai human rights lawyer Anon Nampa is in custody once more after being arrested last night in relation to his involvement in an anti-government rally in Bangkok on August 3. Anon was apprehended while appearing at the Criminal Court in his role as defence lawyer in an unrelated case. He has been charged with inciting public unrest, along with a…

  • Politics News

    Education commission says students can protest, but must remain vigilant over Covid risks

    After students at a number of high schools around the country used the flag-raising ceremony to flash a 3 finger salute in solidarity with political protesters, the Office of the Basic Education Commission is weighing in on the matter. OBEC is writing to schools at the request of Anek Laothamatas, the Minister for Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. The…

  • Politics News

    Police seek arrest warrants for anti-government protest leaders

    6 political activists, at the centre of a rally at Thammasat University’s Rangsit campus on August 10, are facing arrest on charges of sedition, using loudspeakers to advertise in public spaces without permission, violating the computer crimes act, and breaking the disease control law. A report in the Bangkok Post names the 6 as Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul, Panupong Chadnok, Anon Nampa,…

  • Politics News

    School pupils show solidarity with anti-government protests – VIDEO

    At high schools across Thailand, pupils have used the daily flag-raising ceremony to show their solidarity with anti-government activists. A report in Khaosod English says pupils in at least 10 schools wore white ribbons and held up three fingers, in what is widely recognised as an anti-military gesture. The students’ actions have been captured in photos and video, which have…

  • Politics News

    PM urges police to exercise restraint in dealing with protesters

    The Thai PM, Prayut Chan-o-cha, has asked police to refrain from using force in their dealings with anti-government protests. He was speaking ahead of yesterday’s rallies at the Democracy Monument in the capital, which saw both pro and anti-government groups face off across Rajdamnoen Avenue. Most of those protesting are students, with the PM instructing police to exercise restraint in…

  • Politics News

    Prominent social activist speaks out in defence of student protesters

    A leading academic and social critic has spoken out in defence of the current student protests, saying those involved have a right to freedom of expression. Sulak Sivaraksa defends the new 10-point manifesto put forward by the activists, denying that it goes too far in its calls for reform of the monarchy. “The 10 demands are reasonable, since for the…

  • Politics News

    Report calls for national reconciliation through constitutional reform

    A report prepared by the House Committee on laws, justice and human rights, and focusing on 9 recommendations, is set to be debated today, according to an unnamed source in the House of Representatives. According to the Bangkok Post, the report lays the groundwork for possible constitutional reform, recommending the creation of a “people’s constitution.” The report says the current…