Twins born in different years mark unique start to 2024 at New Jersey hospital

The birth of twin boys in the United States at Virtua Voorhees Hospital in New Jersey marked an extraordinary start to 2024. Despite being born only 40 minutes apart, their birth years differ by one. The first sibling, Ezra, arrived on December 31 last year at 11.48pm, weighing 2.72 kilogrammes, while the second, Ezekiel, was born in the early moments of the new year at 12.28am, weighing 1.81 kilogrammes, the hospital announced.
“Ezra was born on the night of December 31 last year, while his brother Ezekiel was born shortly after the start of the new year 2024.”
The parents, Eve and Billy Humphreys, also have an older child who will turn three on January 3. Interestingly, all three children were born at the end of the year or the beginning of the next, with Billy also sharing a January 1 birthday and Eve being a December baby.
The end of the year is a busy time in the Humphreys household, with birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, and New Year’s Day said Billy.
“In 30 days, we have birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, and everything else. So it’s just a festival.”
The couple, Eve, a biology professor, and Billy, a pastor, continue to name their sons after biblical figures – Hezekiah, Ezra, and Ezekiel. They have expressed that their family is now complete and have no intention of trying for a daughter, reported Sanook.
In related news, twins Lydia and Timothy Ridgeway entered the Guinness Book of Records for being overdue babies – by a staggering 30 years! OK, they weren’t technically inside a mother’s womb for three decades waiting to be born.
They were 30 year old frozen embryos, which broke a world record for the longest-frozen embryos to ever result in a live birth. Read more about twins born from 30 year old frozen embryos