Taiwan reports 39 Chinese warplanes including H-6 bomber in air defence zone

Chinese aircraft PLA Y-9, EW. | File photo by Taiwan Air Force.

Taiwan air force has ordered its fighter jets to dispatch and missile defence systems activated yesterday after dozens of Chinese jets infiltrated the island’s air defence zone with an H-6 bomber.

Although Beijing had not released a statement on the event, the warplanes were reportedly seen in the south-western Air Defence Identification Zone, which is self-declared airspace that is monitored for national security reasons rather than territorial airspace. According to flight paths released online by ministry authorities, Chinese aircraft flew to the northeast of Taiwan’s Pratas Island.

China wants Taiwan to be its own territory and has threatened to use military forces to invade it. Beijing had no quick response to the recent events. Beijing has been accused of adopting “grey zone” tactics to put pressure on Taiwan’s military. The US, which recognises Taiwan as part of China, is legally bound to ensure that it can defend itself.



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