Woman’s secret surveillance footage reveals husband’s midnight phone snooping

A snooping husband caught on CCTV checking his wife’s phone while she slept sparked a heated online debate with most sympathising with the woman.
On Monday, July 3, Jang, a woman living in Anhui province in China, shared her experience on social media. She expressed her shock and surprise when she reviewed footage from a CCTV camera installed in their bedroom. The camera was originally set up for the safety of their young child but instead unveiled the secretive behaviours of her husband.
According to the CCTV recording, while Jang and her child were deeply asleep, her husband stealthily rose in the early hours, not only for the toilet but to scrutinise his wife’s mobile phone. He meticulously checked her social media conversation history, apparently seeking something suspicious. Finding no such thing, he seemed pleased and went back to sleep.
This unintentionally revealed act by her husband left Jang with feelings of sadness and anger. Even though she has done nothing wrong, she could not help but feel upset about her husband’s lack of trust. She expressed regret about the fact that her fidelity had not earned her husband’s faith. She also mentioned that he had suspected her of having an affair in the past, perhaps because he had been reading too much about infidelity cases, reported KhaoSod.
Jang revealed her feelings further by mentioning that she had just given birth ten months ago. To fully care for their baby, she had given up much in terms of physical health, mental well-being, career, and relationships. Thus, her husband’s suspicion hurt her gravely. She ended her post with a melancholy question…
“What should I do in this situation?”
Upon the post going live, it quickly became a much-talked-about issue. Social media was soon flooded with an array of comments, giving their opinion, suggesting solutions, and extending moral support.
One said…
“Though this act may indicate a lack of trust from the husband, from a different perspective it could be seen as an act to protect and safeguard their marital bond. They should openly communicate with each other to resolve this issue.”
Another observed…
“If his suspicions are baseless, he needs to be criticised, but not too harshly. After all, he silently checked her phone without making a fuss about it because he didn’t want to create issues or upset his wife.”
Another added…
“He may just want to understand his wife’s social relationships. But anyway, a mobile is personal space. He shouldn’t behave like this without her permission.”