Chinese teen shocks mum by marrying her friend, who owes 240,000 baht in debt

Picture courtesy of prostooleh, Freepik

A Chinese mother has been left reeling after her 19 year old son informed her of his intentions to marry. To make matters more shocking, the bride-to-be is none other than the mother’s close friend. The internet has dubbed the situation as truly shocking.

A woman shared her heart-rending story on the ‘Anonymous Community’ area of the mirrormedia website. The woman was taken aback when her son, who had just turned 19 and was about to start his second year of University, suddenly announced he was getting married. He told his parents respectfully, but the real shocker was that he had chosen his mother’s friend to be his life partner.


Adding to the jaw-dropping revelation, the mother explained that the would-be daughter-in-law was a long-time friend of hers, whom she had not suspected of developing any romantic bond with her son. This was until a few months ago, when she and her husband needed to travel and the friend had volunteered to take care of their son. This situation led to an unexpected love story, which the mother still found hard to believe, reported Sanook.

“How did she entice my son? She is 41 years old and lacks charm, looking older than her real age by about five or six years,” she shared.

Making matters worse, it was also revealed by the mother that the woman had not only interrupted communication between her son, husband, and her, but had also borrowed 50,000 yuan (approximately 240,000 baht), which she has not paid back. These circumstances have left the mother extremely angry, resulting in high blood pressure.

“I blame myself for inviting the wolf into our house,” she said regretfully.

After sharing her story, netizens were equally shocked as the mother was. Some shared their opinions on the matter:


“Let them marry, but that woman should definitely pay you back. And make them move out after the wedding, give them no financial assistance.”

“Since your son is ready to start life, let him be responsible for his actions; do not lend money to anyone ever. Let him provide for his family.”

“Your young son has already decided it. Maybe in the next few years, he can reconsider.”

“It seems like a good idea to let the ‘Aunt’ take care of him now. Let him lead his life and see if his life remains as comfortable as before.”

China News

Samantha Rose

Samantha was a successful freelance journalist who worked with international news organisations before joining Thaiger. With a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from London, her global perspective on news and current affairs is influenced by her days in the UK, Singapore, and across Thailand. She now covers general stories related to Thailand.

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