More than a thousand herons and egrets visit Krabi during winter

More than a 1,000 herons and egrets were found in the palm garden at the backyard of a Krabi citizen, 80 year old Jarat Jaihan, in Prudinna sub-district, during their annual escape from the northern winter.

Jarat said for the past 3-4 months at the same time of the day, 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm, the birds would stay in his backyard in the palm garden. They usually went out to hunt for food during the day and come back in the evening.


“I believe, they gather here to look for food such as prawns, clams and crabs in the water nearby, which shows how lush the nature is around here. It is quite rare to see a thousand of them like this.”

“There are people in the area coming to take photos of the herons and egrets every day because they only visit us only 3-4 months a year.”

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The local man is preparing details to pass onto the Prudinna Sub-district Administration Organisation (OrBorTor) to help make a trekking route for travelers who love birds to visit and take photos.

More than a thousand herons and egrets visit Krabi during winter | News by Thaiger

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