Foreign transwoman and man clash in rose row on Bangla Road

A foreign transwoman got into a physical altercation with a foreign man on Bangla Road in Phuket on Wednesday allegedly after the man refused to buy roses from her.
The Thai TikTok user @pondcing7 shared a video of the incident yesterday, March 20, with a caption reading, “Again! Every day! Lol #BanglaPatong #Phuket.” The user witnessed the incident and recorded the video himself but did not clarify the cause of the altercation to the public.
In the video, the foreign trans woman, dressed in a snake-print jumpsuit, is seen carrying red roses in her left hand while asking a foreign man, dressed entirely in black, to stop recording her.
The conversation between the two is unclear due to the distance from the camera and the noise from entertainment venues and crowds in the area.
The man continued recording as the transwoman attempted to sell the flowers. After the man refused to buy them and complained, the flower sale escalated into an argument.
The man pushed the transwoman on the shoulder, prompting her to put down the bouquet and return with one of her high heels. She then swiped at the man’s phone, and in response, he punched her. This led the transwoman to repeatedly hit the man with her high heel.

Both Thai people and foreigners at the scene eventually intervened, separating the pair before the video was cut off.
The true motive for the altercation has not yet been confirmed but most netizens agreed that the transwoman became angry after the man refused to buy her flowers.

One Thai netizen questioned in the comments whether it was illegal for a foreigner to operate a flower business in Thailand, as the transwoman appeared to be doing.
The TikTok user responded by saying that the transwoman was drunk and was merely helping a local vendor sell the flowers.

At one point in the video, the local flower vendor approached the camera with a bouquet in her hand and attempted to calm the transwoman down.
As no one sustained serious injuries from the incident, local police may not take any action, as similar disturbances occur on Bangla Road almost daily.

Just a day before this incident, two Dutch tourists were fined for performing provocative dances on Bangla Road.
In a separate incident a week earlier, another tourist, believed to be a foreign national, was attacked by a group of transwomen on the road after reportedly failing to pay for his meal.