Alleged gold necklace thief on the loose in Phuket

The area where the theft took place, photo by The Phuket Express, edited.

It turns out Pattaya isn’t the only spot in Thailand where thieves snatch pricey gold necklaces.

One woman in Phuket says a thief on a motorbike grabbed her gold necklace worth about 35,000 baht last night. The victim, 25 year old Kawissara, said she was also driving her motorbike when the thief drove by and snatched her necklace off her neck. The incident happened in the island province’s main city district.

Kawissara told The Phuket Express that the thief was a man on a green motorbike. She said, however, that she couldn’t identify him because of his helmet. Phuket City Police are now on the lookout for the gold snatcher.

Another area of Thailand that has had a major problem with such incidents is the eastern city of Pattaya. The city particularly has a problem with thieves snatching gold necklaces from Indian tourists. Suspects often flirt with the tourists and touch them, asking them to come to their hotel with them. Victims often realise they have been robbed after they manage to push the thieves away.

As with the necklace recently stolen in Phuket, many stolen in Pattaya have also been pricey. One necklace was valued at 85,000 baht.

Pattaya police announced last month that a ‘specialised’ police patrol force would be formed to monitor any inappropriate incidents in tourist areas or crimes against tourists.

SOURCE: The Phuket Express

Crime NewsPhuket News

Tara Abhasakun

A Thai-American dual citizen, Tara has reported news and spoken on a number of human rights and cultural news issues in Thailand. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in history from The College of Wooster. She interned at Southeast Asia Globe, and has written for a number of outlets. Tara reports on a range of Thailand news issues.

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