Tragic death of camping enthusiast in modified vehicle sparks police investigation

A tragic incident unfolded in the town of Buriram, where a camping enthusiast was found dead in his modified vehicle.
The 57 year old camping enthusiast, known as Warayuth, was discovered by a friend after he spent the night camping on private land. The cause of death remains unknown and police are investigating.
Upon arrival at the scene, police found a modified black Ford pickup truck with a fibreglass roof and a tent pitched at the back. Inside, Warayuth, clad in shorts and shirtless, was lying lifeless with a mobile phone in his hand. No signs of violence or injury were found on his body. Preliminary estimates indicated that the camping enthusiast had been dead for approximately four to five hours.
The vehicle was fitted with solar panels on the roof and had another panel installed outside. A variety of amenities were found inside, including an electrical converter, a television, a sound system, and a water heater.
Awuth Khabuanram, a 42 year old landowner and friend of the camping enthusiast, provided further details. Both men had previously worked as electricians for a power company but were laid off due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Warayuth, who had received social security benefits, had subsequently adopted a nomadic lifestyle, modifying his vehicle for camping and travelling alone, as he had no family, reported KhaoSod.
Before his death, Warayuth had asked Awuth if he could camp on his land, expressing a desire to experience the rural atmosphere. Awuth agreed, thinking that Warayuth would continue his travels the following day. However, when Awuth went to wake him up the next morning, he found Warayuth already stiff and lifeless.
The exact cause of Warayuth’s death remains unclear, as the weather was not particularly cold. For now, police have sent his body to Buriram Centre Hospital for an autopsy to determine the actual cause of death.