Thai singer files complaint against unhinged neighbour after five years of disturbing anti-social behaviour

A Thai singer and businessperson filed a complaint against his seemingly unhinged anti-social neighbour for a series of disturbing incidents that have occurred over the past five years. The woman in question smashed his car with a hammer, threw urine and poo at his house, and attacked an employee with liquid acid.
On Tuesday, May 2, Teerasak “Ko” Phantujariya took to Facebook to share the problems he has had with his unhinged anti-social neighbour, claiming that she has conflicts with almost everybody in the area. He claims she frequently throws bags of her urine and poo into roads and streets in the community and at other houses. Ko said…
“The X-Men neighbour! Please stop your dirty and evil actions. The security camera of another neighbour captured the moment when this woman threw her urine at my house. It is dirty and stinky! I am very bored of you. This is mad! No matter how much evidence I have, no government officials care. Do not ignore the mental health of people. I might die because of this neighbour and her pee!”
Ko was later interviewed on several television programmes explaining that another person living with the woman displayed the same unhinged anti-social behaviour.
According to Ko, the woman attacked an employee of his with liquid acid last year. The acid was thrown from the fourth floor of the neighbour’s house. His employee suffered serious burns and yet she is still at large causing chaos with her anti-social behaviour.
Ko revealed that the woman has thrown bags of faeces into a beauty salon near his house and hurled rocks at salon customers. Despite this, the police never intervened to stop or warn her.
Yesterday, Ko shared an update on the issue on Facebook. This time, the woman smashed the front windscreen of his car. Ko attached a video of the mad woman using a hammer to break the window. Ko said…
“How to make the police arrest her? How hard I have to suffer.”
Finally, officers from Wang Thong Lang Police Station visited the community and investigated the case today. Ko provided another update on Facebook that arrest warrants against the woman and her friend will be issued today.
Some netizens anticipated that the woman and her family members might suffer mental health problems or use drugs. However, details to confirm these anticipations have yet to be reported.