Grain gains: Thai farmers to receive 1,000 baht per rai support

Photo via Matichon

The Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) has initiated a comprehensive financial support programme, transferring 1,000 baht per rai to Thai rice farmers across the country.

Deputy Finance Minister Jullapan Amornvivat presided over the first day of payments, aimed at providing relief and encouraging agricultural productivity.

The support programme targets 4.61 million farming households, with total funding reaching 37.4 million baht. Farmers will receive payments of 1,000 baht per rai, capped at 10 rai per household, to help offset cultivation expenses and incentivise quality rice production.

The initiative is designed to support farmers’ livelihoods and promote agricultural efficiency.

Grain gains: Thai farmers to receive 1,000 baht per rai support | News by Thaiger
Photo via Matichon

The bank has structured the payments in five regional rounds between December 16 and 20, covering different geographical regions:

  • Round one targets farmers in the northern region, involving 17 provinces with 957,000 households receiving 7.3 million baht.
  • Round two focuses on central and eastern regions, covering 18 provinces with 296,000 households and 2.7 million baht in transfers.
  • Round three addresses the upper northeastern region, including 12 provinces and 1.37 million households, with 10.8 million baht allocated.
  • Round four targets the lower northeastern region, encompassing eight provinces, 1.4 million households, and 11.8 million baht in support.
  • The final round covers Western and Southern regions, involving 22 provinces, 156,000 households, and 1.3 million baht in payments.

The BAAC’s goal is to provide direct financial support to registered rice farmers across Thailand.

Eligibility is restricted to farmers registered with the Department of Agricultural Extension under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives for the 2024/2025 production year. The programme follows Cabinet approvals on December 3 and 4, designed to implement government support policies.

Farmers can expect direct transfers to their accounts, providing immediate financial assistance to help manage agricultural production costs and improve overall economic stability in rural communities, reported Matichon.

In related news, Commerce Minister Pichai Naripatapan announced that the House of Representatives Agriculture and Cooperatives Committee met with the Ministry of Commerce to discuss policies and measures to assist Thai farmers both domestically and internationally.

Economy NewsThailand News

Ryan Turner

Ryan is a journalism student from Mahidol University with a passion for writing all kinds of content from news to lifestyle articles. Outside of work, Ryan loves everything to do with history, reading, and sports.

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