welfare benefits

  • Retire in Thailand

    Perks of retiring from a Thai government job

    Retirement from a position within the Thai government is accompanied by a distinctive array of benefits, which significantly enhance one’s retirement years. For those approaching retirement or contemplating a career in the Thai government, an understanding of these advantages provides insight into the future that awaits. These benefits encompass financial security and comprehensive healthcare provisions, each tailored to ensure a…

  • Thailand News

    Thai government boosts welfare benefits for workers

    Government spokesperson Chai Wacharonke indicated that the Thai government is committed to improving welfare benefits to enhance the quality of life for all workers in the country. This commitment follows a recent roll-out of new regulations aimed at supporting the needs of the informal workforce, a significant demographic in Thailand. “The government is determined to push for regulations that will…

  • Thailand News

    Government launches utility cost subsidy for welfare cardholders

    A new government initiative has been launched to alleviate the burden of utility costs for households in Thailand. The programme, aimed at state welfare cardholders, offers a single electricity and water subsidy per household, linked to one household registration code. Eligible participants must confirm their identity and register for the subsidy, which applies to either electricity or water services, not…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand boosts welfare benefits for elderly, infants, and disabled

    Thailand’s Ministry of Social Development and Human Security has taken a momentous step forward to enhance welfare benefits for the elderly, infants, and individuals with disabilities. The sub-committee under the ministry assented to this significant development. According to Varawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security, the proposed scheme would offer a flat rate welfare payment of 1,000 baht…