Thai citizens in Haiti warned amidst escalating gang violence

Photo courtesy of Bangkok Post

Amid escalating gang violence, Thai citizens in Haiti have been cautioned by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, advising them to steer clear of high-risk zones. The Caribbean nation has been embroiled in turmoil due to rising gang violence, with indications of the situation further degenerating into chaos, as per the ministry’s observation.

The warning was issued in a statement released yesterday, following alerts received from the Thai embassy in Mexico City, which is the closest diplomatic mission to Haiti. The embassy noted the absence of any Thai individuals staying or working in Haiti on a long-term basis.

Despite this, the potential presence of Thai tourists, particularly in the capital Port-au-Prince, has been considered. These tourists have been urged to exercise caution, avoid areas of protest and other dangerous locales, and verify their travel routes before leaving their premises, reported Bangkok Post.

Thai nationals requiring assistance have been directed to reach out to the Thai embassy in Mexico City through their emergency contact number: (+ 52 55) 2564 2662, or the embassy’s official Facebook page.

In related news, the United States pledged over US$100 million to advance various initiatives across the Caribbean, with a notable focus on aiding Haiti. During her official visit to the Bahamas, Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled this substantial investment aimed at combating weapons trafficking, providing vital assistance to Haiti, and supporting climate change initiatives.

The US administration placed particular emphasis on addressing Haiti’s pressing security concerns, including the surge in gang violence and weapons smuggling. Significant portions of the funding were earmarked to alleviate starvation, improve healthcare access, and bolster Haiti’s agricultural sector.

Additionally, USAID committed substantial resources to promote renewable energy adoption among Caribbean businesses, enhance emergency response capabilities, and assist vulnerable island nations in climate change adaptation efforts. Harris underscored the critical importance of fostering strong US-Caribbean relations to ensure mutual security and prosperity, recognising Haiti’s pivotal role in confronting the region’s multifaceted challenges.

Thailand News

Mitch Connor

Mitch is a Bangkok resident, having relocated from Southern California, via Florida in 2022. He studied journalism before dropping out of college to teach English in South America. After returning to the US, he spent 4 years working for various online publishers before moving to Thailand.

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