Myth busted: Drinking alcohol does not kill Covid-19 – VIDEO

Stock photo by Isabella Mendes for Unsplash

With the latest wave of Covid-19 infections, spreading quickly from clusters at Bangkok bars and nightclubs to provinces across Thailand, nightlife venues were the first to close and will probably be the last to reopen. Alcohol bans at restaurants in provinces with high numbers of active Covid-19 cases are also likely to stay in effect for a while.

Thailand’s move to ban alcohol sales altogether during lockdown measures last year gained international media attention. With restrictions on alcohol easing and then tightening again, some expats seem to be aggravated by the booze bans and bars closures. A reader sent The Thaiger an email, raising the question… If you put alcohol on your hands to kill the coronavirus, happens to the virus when you drink alcohol like vodka or whiskey?

You posted a story on bars have to be closed because of the spread of covid, you are in fact spreading lies because do you know what is in hand wash?
F****** acohol is in hand wash so if it acohol kills covid on your hands, alcold will kill it inside you and makes the pefect cure for covid?
I bet you do not have the balls to write a story about this?
I look forward to reading it on one of your posts

Here are the facts… The alcohol in hydroalcoholic hand gel is more concentrated than drinking alcohol. Covid-19 is not sensitive to drinking alcohol like vodka, whiskey and gin, according to the World Health Organisation’s director of Infectious Hazard Management Sylvie Briand. Liquor will not disinfect a person’s mouth or throat, or give any protection against Covid-19.

“Drinking alcohol doesn’t cure or doesn’t prevent Covid-19 infection. The virus is not sensitive to the alcohol we drink. But maybe people are confused because they see that people use hydroalcoholic gel to wash their hands, but in reality, the alcohol that is in the hydroalcoholic gel is much more concentrated and this is certainly not something you can drink, otherwise, you will have serious side effects.”

Thailand’s bans on alcohol at restaurants and bar closures are intended to prevent gathering that could potentially lead to a Covid-19 outbreak. A CCSA spokesperson recently implied that people are less likely to follow disease control measures when they are under the influence of alcohol, saying drinking alcohol can lead to behaviour that may increase the risk of Covid-19.

The WHO recommends that people stay sober during the pandemic to make decisions with a clear head.

Myth busted: Drinking alcohol does not kill Covid-19 - VIDEO | News by Thaiger

Covid-19 NewsThailand News

Tanutam Thawan

Local Thai journalist speaking fluent Thai and English. Tanutam studied in Khon Kaen before attending Bangkok’s Chulalongkhorn University.

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