From beauty queen to brave MP: Sirilapas Kongtrakarn’s inspiring battle against depression

Photo courtesy of Thai PBS World

In a plea for increased public funding for mental health services, Move Forward Party (MFP) MP Sirilapas Kongtrakarn, also known as Mew, spoke unreservedly during a passionate parliamentary debate on the budget bill last Friday, January 5.

The 36 year old politician, who has been an advocate for mental health, shared her harrowing journey with depression, calling for attention and support for those grappling with similar struggles.

“I speak for people who have battled depression and other mental disorders, including mothers with postpartum depression and the elderly. Please pay attention and help us. Let’s ensure they receive proper treatment.”

Mew, a former beauty queen, has been vocal about her battles with depression, aiming to empower fellow sufferers.

“I hope my stories can offer lessons to others. It [depression] is not something you have to be ashamed of. Such conditions can be treated. We can get over depression and move ahead.”

Having gracefully juggled a showbiz career with academic pursuits, Mew, who entered the entertainment scene at 16, emphasises the importance of mental health treatment. Graduating with honours from Kasetsart University and achieving a 4.00 GPA in her master’s degree, she stands as a testament to how seeking help can lead to a fulfilling life and societal contribution.

Despite the glittering facade of her entertainment career, Mew faced tumultuous personal challenges, including turbulent breakups and struggles with alcoholism. At one point, she admits alcoholism impaired her short-term memory to the extent of hindering her ability to write. The pain drove her to self-harm, leaving indelible scars, and even attempting suicide multiple times with sleeping pills.

Critics targeted her past behaviour and lifestyle, but Mew remains resilient, using both positive and negative experiences as building blocks for a brighter future.

“I have become more mature now, and my mission is about making changes that improve Thailand.”

Political backlash

Mew’s journey took a political turn when she openly criticised the military-backed governments, facing alleged persecution by authorities. Undeterred, she joined the liberal MFP, becoming an MP candidate in Bangkok’s Constituency 14 and ultimately securing a seat in Parliament in the May election, reported Thai PBS World.

Refusing to bow down to criticism, Mew envisions a transformed Thailand, propelled by the lessons learned from her tumultuous past. As she continues to champion mental health awareness and reforms, the beauty queen turned politician stands as an inspiring beacon of resilience and determination.

Bangkok NewsPolitics NewsThailand News

Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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