Family feud over billion-baht legacy rocks northern Thailand

A family feud over a billion-baht inheritance from a prominent family in Nakhon Ratchasima province has escalated, with both sides engaging in a fiery exchange of allegations. Three of the four heirs have been ousted from the inheritance following the patriarch’s death, instigating a series of public revelations and legal battles that have captivated public interest.

On February 13, three of the four heirs, accompanied by their legal team, held a press conference to present documents and video clips to plead for justice. They alleged several irregularities, such as a dubious will, transfer of land titles, and their exclusion from the inheritance.

One heir mentioned that their father passed away on December 10, 2022, and a will dated September 2, 2021, suspiciously left the entire estate to a single child. This raised suspicions as medical records from late 2020 diagnosed the father with dementia, questioning his capacity to perform legal transactions.

The heirs highlighted several issues: a withdrawal of 134 million baht from a fund, with no trace of the money or knowledge of who withdrew it; changes in the land titles of over 300 acres worth over 5 billion baht using forged signatures; and the transfer of ownership of three institutions from their father to their mother.

They also noted disparities in their father’s signature on the will and the envelope, suspecting that he might not have been mentally fit to sign. Additionally, they contested the handling of their father’s funeral, which diverged from his Chinese heritage and expressed concerns over their mother’s demeanour following their father’s illness, which seemed to favour the eldest child.

The following day, February 14, the mother held a press conference to counter the accusations. She likened her sons to pillars of a house, now infested by termites – implying their wives – that have led to its collapse.

Disputed land

She defended her husband’s mental state, asserting his lucidity and attributing his failure to recognise his children to their absence. She clarified the 134 million baht fund, suggesting her sons had used the money extravagantly.

Regarding the disputed land, she stated that transfers were necessary due to legal requirements of educational institutions and insinuated that one son was obstructing the process due to ulterior motives. The mother vehemently denied allegations of a forged will and insisted on presenting the original in court.

In response, the three heirs reaffirmed their father’s diagnosis of dementia with medical records and lamented their restricted access to their father in his final days. They denied any involvement in the dissipation of the 134 million baht fund and questioned the necessity of transferring the land to the educational institutions, fearing it would ultimately benefit their eldest brother.

They also refuted the mother’s claims about their wives’ involvement in family matters, revealing an audio clip where the mother allegedly attempted to coerce the third son into resigning from his university position.

As the family feud unfolds, the public watches with bated breath, witnessing a saga of wealth, power, and familial discord. The legal proceedings that follow will determine the rightful heirs and the fate of the billion-baht legacy.

Northern Thailand NewsThailand News

Samantha Rose

Samantha was a successful freelance journalist who worked with international news organisations before joining Thaiger. With a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from London, her global perspective on news and current affairs is influenced by her days in the UK, Singapore, and across Thailand. She now covers general stories related to Thailand.

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