Drug-induced man in Phayao assaults wife, locks up children

Residents of Phayao reported a troubling incident involving a drug-induced man wielding a knife, assaulting his wife, and locking his five children in a room. Police and rescue teams quickly responded to the alarming situation to avoid any tragic outcomes.
Officers from Jun Police Station in Phayao yesterday, July 8, were alerted to a man causing a disturbance with a knife, harming his wife, and confining his five children in a room. Police promptly responded, mobilising a task force and bringing along essential restraint equipment and over ten rescue personnel to manage the situation.
Upon arriving at the scene in Ban Pang Pom, Jun district, Phayao province, police identified the suspect as 35 year old Phichitchai Suwannajak. The man, originally from another province, had married and settled in the area. He was seen shirtless, wearing black trousers, and holding a knife outside his house.
The police successfully negotiated with the drug-induced man, persuading him to surrender without incident. They safely rescued his wife and children, who were unharmed. Phichitchai was then taken into custody and escorted to Jun Police Station for further questioning.
Relatives of Phichitchai provided further insights into his troubling behaviour. They revealed that he had a history of drug abuse and had assaulted his wife a few days prior. On the day of the incident, he escalated his actions by imprisoning his wife and children and brandishing a knife outside their home.
Concerned for the family’s safety, the wife’s relatives decided to inform the police, resulting in Phichitchai’s arrest, reported KhaoSod.
In other news, a renowned Thai social activist, in collaboration with the Kalasin police and local administration, intervened to help a young man allegedly threatened by a monk. During the investigation, police discovered firearms, methamphetamine, and marijuana in the monk’s quarters.
At 2pm, Sunday, July 7, at Khao Wong Police Station in Kalasin province, social activist Kanthas Phongphaiboonwetch, also known as Gun Jompalang, coordinated with Police Colonel Somchai Phukongchana, assigned by Major General Triwit Sriprapha, to conduct an investigation.