Disgraced monk shakes foundations of Buddhist faith in Thailand

Picture courtesy of the National Office of Buddhism

In a scandal that’s rattled the pious halls of a renowned temple in Don Sak District, Surat Thani Province, a disgraced monk has brought shame once more to the Buddhist faith of Thailand.

The abbot, once a spiritual leader, is now at the centre of a sordid tale involving indecent selfies sent to a laywoman, enveloping the temple in scandal and blasphemy.

The bombshell dropped was dropped today, January 31, shaking the Buddhist faith and exasperating followers. The scandal erupted after the “Red Skull” account on X (formely Twitter) spilled the beans, exposing the abbot’s shocking shenanigans.

Crystal-clear evidence showcased the abbot snapping shots of his private parts and dispatching them to an unsuspecting laywoman, with a plea for a sinful exchange. This flagrant breach of monastic discipline spurred calls for the Office of Buddhism to swoop in and salvage the sanctity of the Sangha.

Netizens erupted with disdain and disgust. Some rallied for stern action against this religious rogue to preserve the revered image of Buddhism, while others expressed revulsion at the sight. Yet, some took a jab, noting the monk’s audacity to flaunt what nature didn’t quite bestow in abundance.

The 7HD news crew descended upon the temple grounds in Surat Thani, only to find a shadow of its former self. Once bustling, it now sits abandoned, with overgrown grass and a solitary hut, the monk’s alleged hideout.

Disgraced monk shakes foundations of Buddhist faith in Thailand | News by Thaiger
Picture of the pervert monk courtesy of Channel 7

Conversations with local villagers unveiled a tale of past vibrancy, now hollow with the absence of monkly presences. The abbot, it seems, was a recluse, silent and solitary, causing villagers to shun the tainted temple for more reputable havens on holy days.

This scandalous revelation blindsided the locals, who only caught wind of it through investigative reporters visiting the area. The temple’s fall from grace is viewed as a glaring outrage by those who once attended its holy grounds.

In the wake of the scandal, local reporters liaised with the village headman to plan a thorough inspection of the monk’s hut, driven by concerns that this desolate area could potentially harbour vagrants.

It is a dismal reflection on what happens when sanctity is lost to scandal, leaving the community in incredulity and seeking answers.

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Bob Scott

Bob Scott is an experienced writer and editor with a passion for travel. Born and raised in Newcastle, England, he spent more than 10 years in Asia. He worked as a sports writer in the north of England and London before relocating to Asia. Now he resides in Bangkok, Thailand, where he is the Editor-in-Chief for The Thaiger English News. With a vast amount of experience from living and writing abroad, Bob Scott is an expert on all things related to Asian culture and lifestyle.

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