Chinese foreign minister calls for ASEAN regional cooperation

Image: Xinhua/Yue Yuewei

During a meeting between the Thai and Chinese foreign ministers to discuss the consultation mechanisms between the two nations, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi emphasised the importance of upholding the ASEAN-centered East Asian regional cooperation framework and rejecting exclusive small circles.

Wang and Thai Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa co-chaired the second meeting between the foreign ministers. This two-day visit marked Maris’ first official trip to China since assuming office in May.

Highlighting China’s support for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Wang stressed the organisation’s central role in regional cooperation and international affairs. He urged ASEAN countries to resist external interference and the negative impact of the Indo-Pacific strategy, cautioning against NATO’s potential expansion into the Asia-Pacific region.

“China is committed to working closely with ASEAN countries to ensure the proper direction of Asia-Pacific cooperation and to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.”

With 2024 marking the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand, Wang proposed planning celebrations and deepening strategic cooperation. Maris affirmed Thailand’s dedication to strengthening bilateral ties and collaborating with China to commemorate this milestone.

The Thai foreign minister stated Bangkok’s readiness to work with Beijing to enhance high-level exchanges, deepen people-to-people and cultural ties, and boost practical cooperation in areas such as the digital economy and electric vehicles.

The ministers also agreed to leverage their roles as co-chairs of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) to promote a community with a shared future for LMC countries, reported The Nation.

In related news, Thailand and Poland, despite their close trade ties, are urged to enhance their business cooperation, particularly in the medical technology sector, according to Polish Ambassador Artur Dmochowski.

During a seminar in Bangkok yesterday, July 9, Dmochowski highlighted Poland‘s desire to strengthen economic, commercial, and technological exchanges with Thailand. The event aimed to showcase advancements in Polish medical technology. The Polish ambassador praised Thailand’s healthcare system, noting its global reputation as a premier medical tourism destination.

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Ryan Turner

Ryan is a journalism student from Mahidol University with a passion for history, writing and delivering news content with a rich storytelling narrative.

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