Illegal lottery operator arrested in Phang Nga

Phang Nga police have arrested 47 year old Pramote Jiaranai, 30 year old Omthip Padtae and 33 year old Achiwan Janthadom for illegal lottery trading yesterday (October 6).

At the scene, a house in Taimuang District, Phang Nga, police seized the lottery notes, 55,445 Baht in cash, a notebook computer and a calculator. The three are charged for hosting a place of gambling.

This arrest follows a report from an undercover officer that there was gambling activities at the house. Police found some buyers at the scene before checking the house and also found them trying to upload all lottery information into the computer database.

“Gambling, other than betting on horseraces or the government-sponsored Thai lottery, is prohibited in Thailand. The prohibition dates back to the Gambling Act 1935. The Playing Cards Act prohibits private ownership of more than 120 playing cards without approval of the government.” Wikipedia.

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