Ex-Miss Teen Thailand caught with drugs in home raid

Actress and former Miss Teen Thailand Amelia “Amy” Jacobs and her boyfriend were arrested early on Tuesday morning in Bangkok on drug charges, police announced at a press conference.
28 year old Amelia and 40 year old Poonyawat Hirantecha were arrested at a house in Sai Mai district at about 12.30am.
Police seized 70 grams of crystal meth amphetamine, or “ice”, 16 ecstasy pills and a scale.
Police said the couple had confessed that they had bought the drugs from a friend for 40,000 Baht for 100 grams and then resold them for 800 Baht per gram.
The couple said they had dealt drugs for about a year, police said. Amelia allegedly was consuming drugs when police raided the house.
She claimed she had used drugs because of stress after a friend invited her to try the substances a year ago, according to police. She reportedly claimed that she had never personally bought drugs.
STORY: The Nation
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