The Thaiger needs an excellent English-speaking vlogger and TV presenter

The Thaiger needs you!

The Thaiger needs an amazing Bangkok-based English-language “Video presenter (News Anchor/YouTuber)” for our website and social media platforms. You will have previous presenter, host or journalist experience but be ready to learn the tools of modern digital news and information delivery, in text and video.

If you haven’t had experience doing vlogs, video posting or hosting in front of a camera, or are not in Thailand at this time, please don’t bother applying.

You will work directly with the CEO at our Bangkok office in Asoke and have an intuitive understanding of social media, experience with online news and an understanding of the Thai media landscape. If you’ve worked in Thai media in the past, in front of the camera, it will be a distinct advantage.

You will understand the urgency of the news cycle and be able to adapt and roll with the changes in media delivery. You’ll be motivated and keen to perform at a high level.

You can be Thai or foreigner, but you must be able to communicate as an English native-speaker. If a foreigner, you would have lived in Thailand for long enough to have an intuitive understanding and inside knowledge of the news cycle and culture. You will also be currently resident in Thailand.

As the Video Presenter you will…

  • Be the Thaiger’s news headline presenter to help produce interesting and exciting original content
  • Sourcing, writing script and presenting stories for multiple platforms and work as part of The Thaiger video content and publishing team to produce excellent content and high SEO level
  • Participate in helping to formulate news stories by pitching ideas and providing feedback on content
  • Quality check each story to ensure grammatical correctness, accuracy and clarity
  • Assist the Thaiger team continue our pursuit as Thailand and the region’s biggest media company
  • Become a modern day media ‘Svengali’

Send your CV and links to some examples of your video media to and headline the email THAIGER VLOGGER.

We’re also looking for a full time video editor. They will work with our presenters and writers to edit the video material into high-quality finished product. If you are Thai, with good English-language proficiency, and interested in working with the Thaiger team, send a CV to and mark your application VIDEO EDITOR. We usually edit on the Davinci Resolve platform.

The Thaiger already produces a range of videos, including the daily ‘Thailand News Today’ and other general information videos.

You can apply through the Jobs DB website HERE.

Bangkok News

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If you have story ideas, a restaurant to review, an event to cover or an issue to discuss, contact The Thaiger editorial staff.

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