The art of cannabis cultivation: A beginner’s blueprint

Growing cannabis involves nurturing the Cannabis genus plants, which fall under the Cannabaceae family. This process can yield either the sought-after buds or leaves, depending on the grower’s objectives. Unlike hemp, which has different cultivation techniques, cannabis for regulated markets in the United States must adhere to strict guidelines, including being grown within the same state it’s sold due to federal restrictions on interstate sales.

The art of cannabis cultivation: A beginner's blueprint | News by Thaiger
PHOTO VIA: David Gabrić

Understanding the basics of cannabis cultivation is crucial, whether you’re a novice looking to start your growth or simply curious about the process. Cannabis plants, which can be classified into species like Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa, and Cannabis ruderalis, require specific conditions to thrive, including controlled lighting, temperature, and humidity. Let’s dive into the essentials of growing cannabis, ensuring you’re well-equipped with the knowledge to understand this fascinating process.

How to grow cannabis: Getting started

Embarking on the journey to cultivate your cannabis plants begins with two crucial decisions: the location of your cultivation and the selection of an appropriate growing medium.

Step 1: Decide where you’re going to grow your cannabis plant

Your first step involves choosing where to grow your cannabis. Here, you’re met with two primary options – indoors or outdoors.

Indoor growing allows you more control over the environment. You can adjust factors such as lighting, humidity, and temperature, achieving the ideal conditions for your plants. The downside? It’s more costly due to the need for equipment like lights and fans.

Step 2: Choose a cannabis growing medium

The next step is selecting the right medium for your plants. Each option offers unique benefits, so it’s paramount that you understand which medium aligns best with your setup and goals.

  • Soil: The most traditional medium, the soil is rich in nutrients and ideal for beginners. It’s forgiving and contributes to the natural taste of your cannabis. Ensure you opt for high-quality, organic potting soil to provide your plants with a strong foundation.
  • Hydroponics: This soil-less method involves growing plants in a nutrient-rich water solution. Hydroponics can accelerate growth and yields but requires a bit more expertise and investment in equipment.
  • Aeroponics: An advanced technique where roots hang in the air and are misted with nutrient solution. While offering high efficiency and yield, aeroponics demands significant setup and maintenance efforts.
  • Coco Coir: Made from coconut husks, coco coir is an eco-friendly, soil-less medium that provides excellent water retention and aeration properties. It’s perfect for those looking to blend traditional and hydroponic techniques.

Cultivation requirements

The art of cannabis cultivation: A beginner's blueprint | News by Thaiger
PHOTO: via Jeff W Unsplash

Growth medium

When embarking on your cannabis cultivation journey, selecting the right growth medium is paramount. You’ve got options such as soil, hydroponics, or aeroponics. Each comes with its own set of benefits. Soil offers a natural buffer, hydroponics leads to faster growth, and aeroponics boasts superior aeration. Your choice impacts not just the growth but also the flavour of the final product.


Cannabis thrives in warmth. You should maintain a temperature range between 20°C and 30°C during its growth phase. This warmth is crucial for optimal photosynthesis and healthy, vigorous growth. Too hot or too cold, and your plants won’t flourish as they should.


Light is the powerhouse for your cannabis plants. Indoors, you’ll need to mimic the sun’s intensity with artificial lights. Aim for 18 to 24 hours of light during the vegetative stage and adjust to 12 hours to trigger flowering. The right light schedule maximizes growth and potency.


Water wisely. Cannabis plants are thirsty but dislike waterlogged roots. Ensuring a balance is key. Overwatering suffocates the roots while underwatering stresses the plant. Adjust your watering schedule based on the growth medium and stage of growth.


Maintaining correct humidity levels ensures your plants don’t attract pests or develop mould. Seedlings thrive at 70% humidity, which should reduce gradually to around 40% as flowering progresses. This adjustment mimics the natural decrease in humidity from spring through to autumn.


Your cannabis plants need a balanced diet of nutrients to flourish. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the major players. However, the precise nutrient mix changes across different growth stages. Start with a more nitrogen-heavy mix and shift to phosphorus and potassium as you enter the flowering stage.

Control of the atmosphere

Controlling your grow room’s atmosphere—carbon dioxide levels, ventilation, and odour—enhances growth and ensures a bountiful harvest. Adding CO2 can accelerate growth, while good ventilation keeps air fresh and temperatures stable. Remember, managing odour is also crucial for discreet cultivation.

Popularity and extent

The popularity of cannabis cultivation has skyrocketed, with enthusiasts and professionals alike endeavouring to grow the perfect plant. The extent of cultivation ranges from personal, small-scale grows to large, commercial operations. Regardless of scale, understanding and managing these key elements are crucial for successful cannabis cultivation.

Harvesting, drying and curing

When you’ve patiently tended your cannabis plants and they’ve blossomed, it’s time to enter the critical phase of harvesting, drying, and curing. This stage is as vital as the growing itself since it directly influences your final product’s potency, aroma, and flavour.

Harvesting begins when the trichomes, those tiny resinous glands on the buds, shift from clear to a milky white hue, signalling peak THC levels. This is your cue. You’ll want to snip the buds at the right moment to capture the essence of your hard work.

Post-harvest, drying is your next step. This isn’t simply about removing moisture but doing so in a controlled manner. Spread your harvest out in a clean, ventilated space. Here, patience is key. Rushing can lead to loss of aromatic terpenes, which are the compounds responsible for your cannabis’s unique scent. Aim for a slow dry; it might take up to a week for the stems to snap instead of bend, indicating the perfect moisture content has been reached.

The final touch, curing, is an art in itself. Once dry, place your buds in airtight containers, opening them once a day to let any trapped moisture escape and fresh air in. This process not only enhances your cannabis’s aromatic and flavour profiles but also its smoothness. Proper curing can transform good cannabis into great, leaving you with a truly top-shelf product.

Explore our article on the Cannabis Hemp Act: Thailand’s strategic move towards transformation, tailored for those seeking insights into this progressive legislation.


mahatee niramitrsathit

มหาธีร์ นิรมิตสถิต ลูกครึ่งไทย เมียนมาร์ ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านกัญชา ทั้งการปลูกและศึกษาวิจัยกัญชาเพื่อการแพทย์ ภูมิปัญญาชาวบ้าน พร้อมให้ความรู้เกี่ยวกับกัญชา กัญชงที่ถูกกฎหมายและปลอดภัย Mahatee is half-Thai / half-Burmese, he's considered a 'cannabis expert' (before and after legalisation!). He's experienced in both growing and researching Cannabis for medical use and has blogged/written about it for the past 7 years.

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