mahatee niramitrsathit

mahatee niramitrsathit

มหาธีร์ นิรมิตสถิต ลูกครึ่งไทย เมียนมาร์ ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านกัญชา ทั้งการปลูกและศึกษาวิจัยกัญชาเพื่อการแพทย์ ภูมิปัญญาชาวบ้าน พร้อมให้ความรู้เกี่ยวกับกัญชา กัญชงที่ถูกกฎหมายและปลอดภัย Mahatee is half-Thai / half-Burmese, he's considered a 'cannabis expert' (before and after legalisation!). He's experienced in both growing and researching Cannabis for medical use and has blogged/written about it for the past 7 years.
  • Cannabis

    How cannabis meets virtual reality for groundbreaking therapies

    Imagine exploring cannabis in a way that’s so immersive, it feels like you’re touching, smelling, and experiencing everything up close and personal. This isn’t a peek into some distant future; it’s happening right now thanks to mind-blowing technological leaps. By weaving together cue reactivity with the magic of VR marketing, companies are creating unforgettable experiences that resonate on a whole…

  • Cannabis

    How to set up organic cannabis farm in Thailand

    Tackling Thailand’s cannabis industry regulations and best practices might seem like climbing Everest, but guess what? It’s totally achievable, Armed with insider know-how and the right connections, you’ll discover that Thailand is not just fertile soil for growing cannabis—it’s ripe for blossoming your business dreams too. Take inspiration from certified cultivators, setting sky-high benchmarks in cultivation and compliance, where safety…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis strains to make your movie nights amazing

    Envision the setting for a film evening, with dim lighting and the selection of an ideal cannabis strain to enhance your viewing experience. By 2024, the practice of matching movies with appropriate cannabis strains will have advanced, turning a standard evening in front of the screen into an intricate sensory journey. Whether embarking on a visually captivating science fiction saga…

  • Cannabis

    Build Your cannabis brand in Thailand with proven marketing strategies

    Establishing a cannabis brand in Thailand by the year 2024 necessitates engagement with a dynamic and swiftly transforming market. In the era of digitalization, cultivating a robust online presence transcends preference and becomes imperative. Whether embarking on this venture anew or aiming to broaden your market footprint, comprehension of the digital domain is pivotal for success. Confrontation with advertising limitations…

  • Cannabis

    How CBD oil enhances massages and skin health

    With CBD oil skyrocketing in popularity for its incredible therapeutic effects, it’s absolutely thrilling to see it revolutionize the massage industry! If you’re on a quest to conquer chronic pain, stress, or anxiety, discovering how CBD oil transforms massage experiences is about to be your ultimate game-changer. Imagine a massage oil that syncs perfectly with your body, seeping through the…

  • Cannabis

    Practical insights to use cannabis in palliative care

    At its heart, palliative care aims to be a beacon of hope, reducing suffering and significantly improving the quality of life for patients facing critical or end-of-life challenges. The latest buzz comes from a systematic review published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, which illuminates how cannabis might just be the hero we’ve been waiting for in achieving…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis and wellness journey in Thailand

    Thailand’s journey into the realm of cannabis and wellness is a fascinating tale of tradition meeting modernity. As you explore the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes, there’s a new wave of wellness retreats that are drawing attention worldwide. These sanctuaries combine the ancient practices of Traditional Thai Medicine (TTM) with the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, offering a unique approach to…

  • Cannabis

    Most explored cannabis friendly activities in Thailand

    If you’re venturing into the vibrant land of Thailand with its lush landscapes and bustling cities, you might be curious about the cannabis-friendly activities available. Thailand’s recent adjustments to cannabis regulations have opened up a new world for both enthusiasts and the cannabis-curious. Whether you’re a seasoned consumer or looking to explore responsibly, there’s a variety of experiences waiting for…

  • Cannabis

    How to protect growing cannabis from heat stress

    Growing cannabis in the sun-soaked paradise of Thailand is an absolute thrill ride, packed with excitement at every turn! But brace yourself, because it’s also filled with some wild challenges! Battling the blazing sun and sizzling heat is like facing a fiery dragon. Those glorious rays are incredible for nurturing lush, vibrant cannabis plants, but sometimes it feels like we’re…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    Unlocking cannabis terpenes: The goods and bads

    Terpenes, those aromatic compounds you’ve likely heard about, are making waves beyond their traditional association with Cannabis sativa. While they’ve gained fame through their presence in cannabis, these compounds are not exclusive to it. Terpenes from non-cannabis plants are sparking interest for various reasons. Let’s dive into what sets cannabis-derived terpenes apart from their botanical counterparts and explore the advantages…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    What are cannabis terpenes and what do they do?

    Diving into the world of cannabis, you’ve likely heard about CBD and THC. But there’s another key player that’s crucial to the cannabis experience: terpenes. These aromatic compounds found in the essential oils of plants, including cannabis, are what give each strain its unique scent and flavour. From the citrusy aroma of limonene to the calming essence of linalool, terpenes…

  • Cannabis

    Unlocking the secret of cannabis genetics

    Different strains of cannabis bring a variety of experiences to the table, thanks to their unique genetic profiles. High THC levels, for example, lead to stronger psychoactive effects, while higher CBD levels are sought after for their therapeutic potential. Moreover, the genetic diversity among strains allows you to explore an extensive range of aromas and flavors, from fruity and floral…

  • Cannabis

    Effective pest management techniques for cannabis

    Managing pests in your cannabis crop is crucial for ensuring a healthy, productive harvest. Cannabis plants are magnets for a variety of pests and diseases, making pest management a top priority for growers. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) stands out as a sustainable approach, focusing on biological control methods to keep those pesky invaders at bay. Starting with IPM a month…

  • Cannabis

    Grow top cannabis strains like a pro in Thailand

    Thailand’s tropical paradise offers more than just stunning beaches and delicious cuisine; it’s a dreamland for cannabis cultivation. With its unique combination of scorching sun, high humidity, and seasonal monsoons, not all cannabis strains can handle the heat. Yet, some thrive in these conditions, making them perfect for the Thai climate. Choosing the right strain is crucial in a place…

  • Cannabis

    Green growth: Nurturing diversity and inclusion in cannabis

    In the rapidly evolving cannabis industry, diversity and inclusion have taken centre stage. It’s not just about creating opportunities; it’s about reshaping an industry to reflect the communities it serves. From leadership roles to ownership opportunities, the push for a more inclusive cannabis sector is gaining momentum. What is diversity and inclusion? Diversity Diversity refers to the rich variety of…

  • Cannabis

    Is cannabis a secret to ease ageing pain?

    Understanding the effects of cannabis on the ageing brain is more important now than ever. Despite limited and inconsistent research directly linking cannabis use to changes in the ageing brain, there’s evidence suggesting long-term use could impact brain functions similarly affected by ageing. Let’s unravel the complexities of how cannabis and ageing intersect, focusing on the potential implications for memory…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    Best cannabis strains to grow outdoors

    Embracing the art of outdoor cannabis cultivation in Thailand offers you a unique opportunity to leverage the country’s lush environment. With the right approach, your cannabis plants will thrive under the tropical sun, producing bountiful harvests that reflect the distinct characteristics of their strain. When you decide to cultivate cannabis outdoors in Thailand, selecting the right spot becomes paramount. Look…

  • Cannabis

    How cannabis is sparking a social revolution in Thailand

    In Thailand, cannabis is sparking a revolution in social norms and legislation, marking a significant shift in how society views and utilises this once-taboo plant. With its recent decriminalisation, cannabis is now at the forefront of discussions on health, economy, and personal freedom, challenging long-held beliefs and laws. This transition isn’t just about the legal status of cannabis; it’s a…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis cultivation in Thailand: Eco-friendly or eco-foe?

    Exploring the environmental footprint of Cannabis cultivation, especially in Thailand, reveals a complex picture. As the global perspective on cannabis shifts towards more liberal policies, understanding its ecological implications becomes crucial. Thailand’s journey with Cannabis, from strict prohibition to embracing medical use, has sparked interest in its cultivation practices. However, this green wave comes with its own set of environmental…

  • Cannabis

    Thailand’s cannabis industry: A new frontier for job seekers

    Thailand’s recent shift towards legalising cannabis has opened a new world of job prospects. If you’re passionate about the cannabis movement and seeking a career in this burgeoning industry, you’re in luck. The landscape is ripe with opportunities, from retail positions in dispensaries to roles in cultivation, marketing, and beyond. Why choose a career in cannabis: Embarking on a path…

  • Cannabis

    How blockchain boosts trust & quality in transforming Thai cannabis

    Thailand’s cannabis industry is on the brink of a revolution, and blockchain technology is at the heart of this transformation. As regulations evolve and the market expands, the integration of blockchain is set to redefine how businesses operate within this sector. With its unparalleled ability to ensure transparency and security, blockchain offers a promising solution to some of the industry’s…

  • Cannabis

    Indoor vs outdoor: secrets to thriving cannabis in Thailand

    Deciding between indoor and outdoor cannabis cultivation in Thailand? You’re not alone. This choice can significantly impact your yield, quality, and overall success. Thailand’s unique climate plays a pivotal role in this decision-making process, offering both opportunities and challenges for cannabis growers. Indoor cultivation allows for controlled environments, crucial for producing high-quality cannabis. However, it comes with higher initial costs…

  • Cannabis

    2024’s hot cannabis trends: What you need to know

    As we edge closer to 2024, the cannabis sector is brimming with anticipation over emerging research trends. This wave of studies isn’t just reshaping what we understand about cannabis; it’s also dismantling long-standing stigmas and misconceptions. You’re about to dive into a world where science meets society, revealing the plant’s true potential. Regulation of recreational cannabis You’re witnessing a pivotal…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis and conservation: Growing towards a sustainable world

    As the cannabis industry flourishes, sustainability becomes a critical factor that can’t be overlooked. You might wonder why. Well, with the rapid expansion of this market, the environmental footprint it leaves behind is becoming increasingly significant. From soil health to water usage and energy consumption, every aspect of cannabis production impacts our planet. Cannabis sustainability throughout history As the cannabis…

  • Cannabis

    Why we can’t ignore cannabis education anymore

    In today’s rapidly changing world, understanding cannabis is more crucial than ever. With the wave of legalization and the emerging dialogue around its use, you might find yourself navigating through a sea of misinformation. Cannabis education stands as a beacon, guiding you towards informed choices and a deeper comprehension of its impact on health and society. Gone are the days…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis uncovered: Mental health benefits and beyond

    Cannabis, often seen through a lens of controversy, has a complex relationship with mental health. As its use becomes more widespread, understanding its impact is crucial. For some, it’s a harmless way to unwind, but for others, especially the young and those with certain genetic predispositions, the story is quite different. What is cannabis? You’ve probably heard quite a bit…

  • Cannabis

    Investing in Thailand’s cannabis industry

    Thailand is on the brink of a new chapter, welcoming cannabis with open arms, not just as an ancient herb but as a powerhouse of economic and therapeutic promise. The Land of Smiles is now extending an invitation to investors and entrepreneurs, urging them to join this vibrant psychedelic renaissance. As you step into the ever-changing landscape of Thailand’s cannabis…

  • Cannabis

    Ethical considerations in medical cannabis

    Exploring the ethical landscape of medical cannabis requires a delicate balance between patient safety and scientific research. As you dive into the world of cannabis medicines, understanding the ethical guidelines is crucial. These not only streamline ethics applications but also ensure the safety and well-being of patients involved in clinical trials. Moreover, it’s important to consider the environmental impact of…

  • Cannabis

    Reset your cannabis tolerance: Why & how to do it

    Have you noticed that your go-to cannabis isn’t hitting the spot like it used to? It might be time to consider a tolerance break, or a ‘t-break’, to reset your body’s response to cannabis. With the ready availability of premium strains, building up a tolerance is easier than ever. But when you’re reaching for more just to achieve the desired…

  • Cannabis

    Is cannabis the answer to chronic pain?

    Navigating the world of chronic pain management can be a complex journey, with many seeking alternatives to traditional pain medications. It’s no surprise then that in states where medical cannabis is legal, a significant number of adults have turned to cannabis as a means to manage their chronic pain. The move towards cannabis, often in place of prescription opioids and…