Cannabis in Thailand

  • Featured Dispensaries

    Neverland OG Dispensary: A sanctuary for cannabis lovers

    Neverland OG Dispensary exists to serve one purpose, to be a sanctuary for those who love everything to do with cannabis. With what feels like a million soulless cannabis shops operating across Bangkok, Neverland stands out amongst the crowd. By perfecting an environment for cannabis connoisseurs and beginners to try premium products, here is how Neverland OG Dispensary continues to…

  • Cannabis

    Medical cannabis Thailand legalisation and benefits for patients

    The dialogue regarding the medical usage of marijuana in Thailand has escalated in prominence, particularly after it authorised health-based uses in 2018. Thailand appreciated worldwide for its breathtaking beaches and flavourful dishes, is now additionally acknowledged as a significant entity in the medicinal marijuana industry. The governing bodies have implemented stringent policies to ensure the safe and effective use of…

  • Cannabis

    How to store your cannabis products safely

    Whether you are an old friend of cannabis or just getting to know the plant, it is pretty important to know how to store it right and safely to keep things fresh and fiery. And nope, it is not just about shoving them in some drawer or closet. There are a few cool scientific rules to play by getting them…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis and inclusivity in Thailand

    Thailand has a thriving cannabis industry that draws in crowds from a variety of nationalities, groups, and even differing opinions. When it comes to acceptance, there are a variety of hobbies and groups of people that are welcome here. With that, there is an appeal to Thailand’s cannabis scene that extends to the LGBTQ+ community. Cannabis itself embodies a more…

  • Cannabis

    Does cannabis take you to another world

    Have you ever really revved your engines thinking about the impact of cannabis on your body. The whole wide world opens the doors to the cannabis renaissance, it’s essential to soak up every bit of knowledge. Cannabis, that intriguing marvel, holds the paintbrush that can colour your reality in truly mind-blowing hues. Consistently, these influences extend far beyond mental confines.…

  • Cannabis

    Thai economy will be affected by heavy cannabis regulation

    Let’s chat about a hot topic, shall we? Cannabis regulation in Thailand is like trying to find your way through a maze with no map. Now, on one hand, we’ve got this booming black market that’s ready to party when the government says no fun allowed and puts restrictions on recreational use. But on the other side of the coin,…

  • Cannabis

    Spicing up your desserts with cannabis

    Incorporating cannabis into your desserts opens a vista of tantalising new possibilities. Picture the simplicity and delight in preparing Rice Krispie Treats enhanced with Magical Butter flavour or experiencing s’mores enriched by the luxurious Full Melt Chocolate. Imagine the unparalleled, melt-in-your-mouth texture of marshmallows and chocolate, now augmented with an exhilarating layer of euphoria, or the classic crunch of sticky…

  • Cannabis

    Exploring the depths of cannabis ethical considerations

    In recent years, the way we talk about cannabis has really changed. It’s moved from being a topic most people stayed away from to one where we’re really thinking about what’s right and wrong about it. With more and more places making it legal, both individuals and those making laws are facing some tough questions about the rights and wrongs…

  • Cannabis

    Fourtwenty High Garden 4/20 celebration ‘Up in The Clouds’

    Fourtwenty is thrilled to announce its flagship event “Up in The Clouds,” a celebratory gathering on the internationally recognized day of cannabis culture, April 20th (4/20), hosted at the scenic Fourtwenty High Garden. The event is set to kick off at 4.20 PM and is open to the public with free entry, ensuring accessibility for all enthusiasts looking to elevate…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    How cannabis fits in Thai Communities

    Get ready to dive into the heart-pounding excitement of local communities across the UK, where the rise of cannabis is setting the stage for some truly thrilling discussions about their impact and how they’re weaving into the fabric of society. This journey through the evolving landscape reveals an inspiring story: these groups aren’t just changing minds; they’re actively rolling up…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    Top 5 cannabis accessories for the green enthusiast

    In the world of cannabis, There’s always a new gadget or gizmo popping up that promises to take your pot experience to new heights. Whether you’re a total newbie or an old pro at this cannabis thing, there are loads of cool toys out there designed to make your sessions easier, more chill, and just plain fun. Think portable vape…

  • Featured Dispensaries

    How Thai Cannabis Club sets the standard for cannabis in Thailand

    If you ever spot a big, bright green sign adorned with the iconic weed leaf, there’s no mistaking it; that’s Thai Cannabis Club. With multiple locations scattered throughout Bangkok, Pattaya, and Koh Chang, their presence dominates the Thai cannabis scene. Thai Cannabis Club came to life back in November 2018, right when the Thai government gave the green light to…

  • Cannabis

    Green growth: Nurturing diversity and inclusion in cannabis

    In the rapidly evolving cannabis industry, diversity and inclusion have taken centre stage. It’s not just about creating opportunities; it’s about reshaping an industry to reflect the communities it serves. From leadership roles to ownership opportunities, the push for a more inclusive cannabis sector is gaining momentum. What is diversity and inclusion? Diversity Diversity refers to the rich variety of…

  • Cannabis

    Is cannabis a secret to ease ageing pain?

    Understanding the effects of cannabis on the ageing brain is more important now than ever. Despite limited and inconsistent research directly linking cannabis use to changes in the ageing brain, there’s evidence suggesting long-term use could impact brain functions similarly affected by ageing. Let’s unravel the complexities of how cannabis and ageing intersect, focusing on the potential implications for memory…

  • Thailand Cannabis Guide

    Best cannabis strains to grow indoors

    Growing your marijuana indoors has never been more accessible, thanks to incredible advancements in technology and a bit of ingenuity. Whether you’re aiming to keep your gardening endeavors under wraps or simply lack outdoor space, selecting the right autoflower strains can make all the difference in your indoor garden. Choosing the best strains isn’t just about the final yield; it’s…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis cultivation in Thailand: Eco-friendly or eco-foe?

    Exploring the environmental footprint of Cannabis cultivation, especially in Thailand, reveals a complex picture. As the global perspective on cannabis shifts towards more liberal policies, understanding its ecological implications becomes crucial. Thailand’s journey with Cannabis, from strict prohibition to embracing medical use, has sparked interest in its cultivation practices. However, this green wave comes with its own set of environmental…

  • Cannabis News

    A spotlight on innovation with the Thaiger Top Shelf Awards

    The cannabis industry in Thailand is witnessing a remarkable era of innovation and excellence, a testament to which is recognised by the prestigious Thaiger Top Shelf Awards. This initiative shines a spotlight on cannabis dispensaries that are not just pushing the boundaries but setting new benchmarks across various dimensions of the cannabis experience. From technological advancements in consumption methods to…

  • Cannabis

    Grow your cannabis network: Top sites & tips for success

    In today’s digital age, the way you connect and build networks has evolved, with unique interests like cannabis culture paving new paths for social interactions. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or new to the scene, the cannabis community offers a rich tapestry of opportunities to engage, learn, and grow your social circle. Exploring the cannabis culture opens doors to not…

  • Thailand News

    Thai Cannabis decriminalisation paused for further dialogue

    The push for cannabis decriminalisation in Thailand faced a hiccup as the Ministry of Public Health yesterday announced a pause in proceedings. The deferral was called for a dialogue with the public, and pro-cannabis interest groups, and to gather more views on the matter. The initial intention behind cannabis decriminalisation in Thailand was always medical, not recreational use. However, the…

  • Cannabis

    A new era for pets: Thailand’s cannabis veterinary solutions

    Exploring the world of veterinary medicine in Thailand reveals a growing interest in alternative treatments for our furry friends. Among these, cannabis-based therapies are gaining attention for their potential benefits. With a focus on holistic wellness, it’s no surprise that pet owners and veterinarians alike are curious about the possibilities that cannabis medicine can offer. All you need to know…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis trends in Thailand 2024: what you need to know

    Cannabis trends in Thailand are changing quickly! The country’s view and rules about cannabis have shifted a lot, moving from traditional uses to modern medical applications and strict recreational laws. But don’t let the legal stuff scare you off—there’s a lot to discover in this green revolution. Key takeaways Medicinal Benefits and Regulatory Changes: Thailand is rapidly embracing the medicinal…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis and conservation: Growing towards a sustainable world

    As the cannabis industry flourishes, sustainability becomes a critical factor that can’t be overlooked. You might wonder why. Well, with the rapid expansion of this market, the environmental footprint it leaves behind is becoming increasingly significant. From soil health to water usage and energy consumption, every aspect of cannabis production impacts our planet. Cannabis sustainability throughout history As the cannabis…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis and tech: A perfect blend for Thailand

    The leap in cannabis legalization across Canada and numerous US states has sparked an unprecedented boom in the cannabis sector. Coupled with technological advancements, this industry is undergoing a transformative shift. You’re at the forefront of this change, where understanding and leveraging tech can catapult your business into the future. Technology’s role in enhancing productivity and efficiency spans across industries,…

  • Cannabis

    Cannabis uncovered: Mental health benefits and beyond

    Cannabis, often seen through a lens of controversy, has a complex relationship with mental health. As its use becomes more widespread, understanding its impact is crucial. For some, it’s a harmless way to unwind, but for others, especially the young and those with certain genetic predispositions, the story is quite different. What is cannabis? You’ve probably heard quite a bit…

  • Cannabis

    Decoding the green: Guide to cannabis slang and lingo

    Delving into the world of cannabis, you’ll quickly realize it’s not just about the plant; it’s a whole culture, complete with its language. Cannabis slang has evolved as a clandestine code, allowing enthusiasts to converse openly without drawing unwanted attention. It’s fascinating how necessity has birthed a rich lexicon that keeps expanding as the community finds new ways to stay…

  • Cannabis

    The journey of cannabis quality control in Thailand

    Navigating the world of medical cannabis in Thailand? It’s crucial to understand the stringent quality control measures in place. Thailand’s approach to regulating medical cannabis sets a benchmark for product quality and safety, ensuring that every step of production meets both local and partner requirements. The new cannabis-hemp act Thailand is set to introduce the Cannabis-Hemp Act. This groundbreaking legislation…

  • Cannabis News

    The changing tides of cannabis in Thailand

    Thailand’s journey with the cannabis ban has taken a notable turn. Initially celebrated for decriminalising cannabis and becoming a leader in Asia for cannabis reform, the country is now considering a significant change in its cannabis policy. Thailand’s initial decriminalisation On June 9, 2022, Thailand made headlines by decriminalising cannabis, a move that led to the rapid growth of a…

  • Cannabis

    Guide to growing cannabis successfully

    Ever thought about growing your cannabis? Whether it’s for medicinal purposes or simply a green-fingered hobby, cultivating cannabis can be an intriguing endeavour. This article is your gateway into the world of homegrown cannabis, providing you with the knowledge you need to get started. What is cannabis cultivation? Cannabis cultivation refers directly to the practice of growing cannabis plants. Both…

  • Cannabis News

    Thaiger Top Shelf Club: A new era for cannabis enthusiasts in Thailand

    In an unprecedented move that ushers in a significant evolution within Thailand’s cannabis culture, The Thaiger proudly unveils the launch of the Thaiger Top Shelf Club. This innovative online platform, accessible at our Cannabis Top Shelf website, is poised to become the definitive hub for cannabis industry leaders who desire to showcase their premiere experiences and high-quality products. A new destination…

  • Thailand News

    Coldplay concert buzz dampened by cannabis fumes in Bangkok

    The recent Coldplay concert in Bangkok, part of their Music Of The Spheres World Tour, left an indelible mark on many Thai fans. However, the event was marred by some attendees by the pervasive smell of cannabis. Artist Copter Panuwat encountered this issue firsthand, expressing his dissatisfaction and calling for more stringent control over public cannabis consumption. His concerns resonated…