‘Forest Rescue’ campaign to save trees in and around Bangkok

Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC), a company that invests in, develops, and manages high-quality residential and mixed-use property projects under the brands ‘THE FORESTIAS’, has announced ‘Forest Rescue’, a campaign to save urban trees and highlight the importance of nature and healthy ecosystems.

The 70 million baht campaign aims to rescue trees in and around Bangkok and to spotlight nature’s true value through video content. Members of the public can take part by submitting information to www.facebook.com/theforestias or using #ForestRescue. A team of plant and tree experts will assess, relocate, and care for trees, incorporating them into a public space at THE FORESTIAS, where 3 rai or 4,800 sqm has been prepared for trees moved under the campaign.


Mrs. Sasinan Allmand, MQDC’s Executive Vice President, Corporate Marketing and Communications, said: “Transnational organisations across the globe are focusing on natural environments and the deterioration of ecosystems can have harmful consequences for people at large.

‘Forest Rescue’ campaign to save trees in and around Bangkok | News by Thaiger

The world has 3 trillion trees but a report on changes in forest areas according to satellite images from 1990 to 2015 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN revealed that we have lost 1.3 million sqm of forest since 1990. The deforested area is larger than South Africa. Each hour, an area equivalent to 800 standard football fields [7,410 sqm] is deforested. Tropical forests, moreover, are at higher risk of deforestation than forests elsewhere.

For Thailand, in particular, Seub Nakhasathien Foundation revealed a shocking fact that only 31.58% of land in Thailand is forest, 0.02 percentage points lower than in 2015, equivalent to 65,000 rai.”

At THE FORESTIAS, we aim to create an environment suitable for four generations of people, combine a planted and original natural environment with consideration for sustainable energy, complete an extremely safe mixed-use project, meet consumer needs, and build a better living community to give Thailand a valuable example. 70 million baht has now been allocated for a campaign entitled ‘FOREST RESCUE’, an operation to revive trees in and around Bangkok grounded in a mission for the future: saving trees by relocating them and managing space for them so our project can be their new home.


A video entitled ‘Forest Rescue’ is a main communication tool for the campaign. It is based on the true story of a large rain tree once at Soi Ladprao 110. The original owner wanted to build a house extension so the tree was carefully transplanted as a balled-and-burlapped plant to THE FORESTIAS.

‘Forest Rescue’ campaign to save trees in and around Bangkok | News by Thaiger

The campaign is founded on the value of trees, especially their capabilities to preserve, create, and restore the environment. Large trees’ amazing qualities have been demonstrated by countless international research findings. A large tree planted to the east of a house can reduce heat and increase energy efficiency by 10%.

The city of Barcelona in Spain found that, 200,000 large trees can consume 5,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually and absorb 305 tons of toxic substances. Trees familiar to Thais like the Australian pine, Norfolk Island pine, Sumatran pine, and Khasi pine are outstanding in absorbing polluting gases. Milkwood pine, ylang-ylang, camel’s foot, or pisonia can effectively absorb oxides from nitrogen and produce ozone.

MQDC seeks significant results from this campaign, informing the public about the importance of trees and ecosystems and encouraging Thais to appreciate green spaces and to preserve them for coming generations.

Watch the video for Forest Rescue HERE.

Check out their website and find out more HERE.

‘Forest Rescue’ campaign to save trees in and around Bangkok | News by Thaiger

‘Forest Rescue’ campaign to save trees in and around Bangkok | News by Thaiger


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