Senator tests positive for Covid-19 after Parliament sessions

PHOTO: The Thai Parliament was exposed to Covid-19 this week when one senator was infected. (via

After a week of important meetings with most of Parliament in attendance, Senator Lieutenant General Lertrit Wechsawan has tested positive for Covid-19. The 74 year old member of parliament was in attendance for the parliamentary proceedings regarding government referendum voting and later confirmed the diagnosis.

It is hoped that exposure and close proximity was limited with the senator, and it may have helped limit interaction that he left the meetings early each day of the session. But he left the meetings early because of feelings of dizziness and not feeling well, which calls into question if he was exercising responsible precautions by even attending the meetings in the first place.


The senator’s timeline includes a lunch meeting with 2 other senators, putting them at risk of Covid-19 exposure. 71 year old Piyaphan Nimmanhaemin, a senator since 2019 and senator General Pairote Panichsamai joined the infected Senator Lertrit for that lunch.

After leaving meetings early due to not feeling well, the senator decided to get tested for Covid-19, going to Phramongkut Hospital for testing. The results came back positive and he was admitted into the same hospital for treatment.

The hospital then joined the Department of Public Health in requesting that anyone who came in contact with Senator Lertrit to submit to their own Covid-19 testing in order to identify and curb any potential outbreak as quickly as possible. They also ask that those who may have been exposed to the senator to self-isolate into they are confirmed to be negative for Covid-19.

SOURCE: The Pattaya News

Bangkok NewsCovid-19 NewsPolitics News

Neill Fronde

Neill is a journalist from the United States with 10+ years broadcasting experience and national news and magazine publications. He graduated with a degree in journalism and communications from the University of California and has been living in Thailand since 2014.

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