Department of traditional medicine says it can treat Long Covid with Thai herbs

Long Covid, the often-debilitating series of symptoms some people are left with even after recovering from Covid-19, can be treated with Thai herbs. So says the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, which is offering treatment to Long Covid sufferers.
The Bangkok Post reports that practitioners of traditional and alternative therapies have launched a mobile unit offering Thai herbs in Lampang, northern Thailand. Department chief Dr Thiti Sawaengtham says the treatment is being offered for free and is available nationwide. The cost is being covered by a 246-million-baht budget from central government.
According to Thiti, around 400,000 people are struggling with Long Covid, a syndrome that can kick in up to a month after someone has recovered from a Covid-19 infection. Symptoms include chronic fatigue, insomnia, stress, and loss of appetite, and have been known to linger for up to 6 months. Many sufferers experience a cough even though there is no longer any trace of infection in their lungs.
Thiti claims that Thai traditional herbal treatments can cure Long Covid and that there is a variety of herbal medicines available that have been shown to help. He says cannabis oil is a base ingredient in the treatments as it helps with insomnia and appetite loss. He adds that patients should be properly diagnosed by an alternative medicine specialist as symptoms can vary from one person to another and some herbal treatments are prescription-only.
The Bangkok Post reports that on January 14, the department met with herbal specialists from all over Thailand to provide them with information on dispensing treatment to Long Covid patients. Anyone struggling with the lingering after-effects of a Covid-19 infection should contact their nearest DoTTAM clinic or any government hospital with a traditional medicine department. Thiti says his department will also offer a consultancy service via the Line app, with the medicine then dispatched to patients’ homes.
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SOURCE: Bangkok Post