CCSA says no new restrictions are needed to fight Covid-19

With Covid-19 infections surging and spreading throughout the country, and daily infection numbers rising along with an increasing death toll, officials have decided what additional measures need to be taken to cope with the situation: none. The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration has announced that the rules and restrictions in place now are adequate in the fight against the increasing Covid-19 pandemic in Thailand.
The man who runs the CCSA’s daily operations, Gen Natthapol Nakpanich, has said that further restrictions like lockdowns are curfews would not be necessary to fight the current infections and outbreaks. He believes that strict enforcement of the regulations already in place and a non-stop focus on speeding up vaccination efforts should be enough to battle the virus.
“There will be no need for more restrictions because we do not want to increase the burden on the people.”
The CCSA has been working closely with the Public Health Ministry on solutions for the Covid-19 crisis that had been so well contained in Thailand last year but has now put the country on the high-risk list globally. They came to the conclusion that the existing measures are adequate but need to be enforced more thoroughly for both businesses that may flout the law and individuals who may not follow all the rules and safety measures.
While they don’t believe that further restrictions are lockdowns are necessary, they do admit that they recognize the worrisome increase in Covid-19 infections that are plaguing Thailand throughout the country currently. The death toll has hit new record numbers in each of the last 3 days, with 61 people reported today to have died from Covid-19. Daily reported infections have also jumped by about 10% each of the last 3 days.
The CCSA thinks that the devastating and deadly third wave of Covid-19 in Thailand may give way to an even worse fourth wave with the more contagious Delta variant sweeping through the country presently.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post