Bangkok restrictions lifted on 8 categories, including swimming

Break out your footballs, reading glasses, and – yes, finally – swimsuit! The governor of Bangkok has just approved the reopening of 8 categories of businesses and locations, with previous Covid-19 safety restrictions being lifted. And you’ve only got to wait a few hours for the ban to be lifted as the order goes into effect Monday.
This afternoon, Bangkok Governor Asawin Kwanmuang signed official order issue number 33 of the orders to temporarily close business and places. The paper signed officially relaxes closure orders and lefted restrictions for 8 businesses and venue types in Bangkok and is set to go into effect tomorrow (Monday) morning.
This follows a similar announcement that lifted restrictions in Bangkok last week on businesses like salons, foot massage, tattoo parlours, and parks.
The 8 types of locations now allowed to reopen are as follows.
- 1. Public swimming pools or similar.
- 2. Swimming pools used for water activities or sports.
- The venue must close by 9 pm.
- Sports events like games or matches can be held but without spectators.
- The number of participants should be limited by the area size, following safety protocols.
- All government health procedures must be strictly followed.
- 3. Educational facilities.
- Learning centres
- Science and cultural centres
- Science centres for education
- Art galleries
- 4. Libraries
- Public libraries
- Community libraries
- Private libraries
- Book houses
- 5. Restaurants with revised restrictions:
- Dining in-person allowed until 11 pm.
- Customers limited to not exceed 50% of the total seating capacity of the restaurant in an air-conditioned area.
- All government health procedures must be strictly followed.
- 6. Sports events venues.
- Stadiums
- Outdoor exercise places
- Sports fields
- Indoor exercise places as long as they are well-ventilated.
- All allowed to be open until 9 pm.
- Sports events like games or matches can be held but without spectators.
- All government health procedures must be strictly followed.
- 7. Supermarkets and convenience stores can return to their normal business hours.
- 8. Large gatherings where Covid-19 spread is a risk:
- Meetings, seminars, religious ceremonies, filming, camping, distributing food, or meeting elderly relatives.
- Must be limited to less than 50 people involved.
- Can be held without permission except:
- gatherings occurring in a location used as a quarantine facility.
- activities operated by government agencies.
- Between 50 and 500 people:
- permission must be granted by the local district office before the event.
- More than 500 people:
- permission must be granted by the Bangkok Public Health Department.
SOURCE: The Pattaya News