

If you have story ideas, a restaurant to review, an event to cover or an issue to discuss, contact The Thaiger editorial staff.
  • Tourism News

    Pent-up demand for outbound Thai travel sparks new travel bubble talks

    Travel bubbles are back on the table as countries in the region battle to find some safe solution to their tourist shortfall. Thailand, in particular, earns such a high proportion of its GDP from travel and tourism, that it is seeing a major financial shortfall after closing its borders. This, in the context of no new Special Tourist Visa applications…

  • Chiang Mai News

    Financial hardship spiking Thailand’s suicide rate

    Thailand’s police and health workers continue to work with online influencers such as Drama Addict, Mam Po Dum and More Lab Panda, to help identify, and if necessary intervene, in people sharing distressing messages over their battles in the current Covid era. Police have also been recruited specialist to help to prevent suicides and provide counselling. Thailand’s Department of Mental…

  • World News

    UPDATE: Biden pulls ahead in key battleground states as vote counting continues

    Former vice president Joe Biden currently sits at 264 electoral votes, in the race for the magic ‘270’ vote finish line. He’s also ahead in the count, by slim margins, in the battleground states Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada. If any one of those states gets called in his favour, he will pass the 270 electoral votes to become president (if he maintains…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Shorter quarantine, STV update, THAI jets for sale | November 6

    Last day of the week and a day full of news about the STV, Chinese travel bubbles and the PM saying he’ll step aside if there’s someone better to take his job. Thailand News Today, with Tim Newton. Retired Thai official with Covid-19 dies after returning to Thailand A 66 year old retired Thai official, diagnosed with Covid-19, died yesterday…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Political homes, Adult site bans, Nok Air rehab | November 5

    Thailand News Today, the most-watched English-speaking Thai TV news service in the world. Short, sharp, to the point. Make it a part of your day. Young Thais say political divide has caused conflict with their parents The ongoing political protests have led to a new, raw divide in Thailand with a split between a younger generation demanding democracy and an…

  • World News

    UPDATE: No clear winner in US Election, but pollsters got the result very wrong, again

    Although there’s currently no clear winner, officially reaching the magic 270 Electoral College votes and claiming the US Presidency, there’s already plenty of losers – most with the words “poll’ in their name. US pollsters, largely, got the election result wrong, again. They’d promised to refine their models following the 2016 embarrassment but have just repeated their errors this time…

  • World News

    US President Trump falsely claims victory with millions of votes still uncounted

    As the US ticks over onto November 4, the day after the Election Day, Americans go to sleep none-the-wiser who is going to be the next sitting President. But that didn’t stop incumbent President Donald Trump from falsely claiming victory over his Democrat rival Joe Biden. Millions of votes remain uncounted in the race that will not be decided until a handful of US…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Could there be another coup in Thailand? VIDEO

    Our analysis about the likelihood of another coup in Thailand, along with a list of 12 previous coups and their consequences. Please watch the video and subscribe to our YouTube Thaiger channel. Last Thursday was another day of political cat and mouse, protesters staging three more rallies around Bangkok whilst officials again huffed and puffed, not really sure exactly how…

  • Business News

    Thai cabinet approves extension of jet fuel levy holiday

    Whilst the current cheapest domestic air fares have been around the same prices they were before local airlines were grounded, there is a possibility of some more drops in your seat prices. Thailand’s budget carriers could be offering lower seat prices after the cabinet yesterday approved an extension of the jet fuel tax holiday. Thailand’s low-cost carriers have been slowly…

  • Thailand News

    Thailand News Today | Shootout in Pattaya, Exports down 7%, Hotels eschew ASQ | November 3

    Thailand News Today, covering all the main stories from around Thailand. Please comment below or on the YouTube channel. Pattaya journalist injured as foreigner steals gun, fires at police, then kills himself An armed man has killed himself after a stand-off with police in Pattaya that lasted several hours, during which a journalist was shot. It’s understood the man, a…

  • Hot News

    Aghast! PornHub blocked in Thailand, again

    Thais will be out on the streets protesting again. This time over an apparent blocking by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society of the porn portal ‘PornHub’. The site was started in 2007 and has developed into one of the world’s most popular adult porn platforms and is the ‘go to’ favourite of Thais, well until yesterday anyway. Logging…

  • World News

    3 dead after shootings near synagogue in Vienna

    3 people are dead, including an alleged shooter, after a series of attacks in central Vienna. The Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz described as a “repulsive terror attack”. One suspect was “shot and killed by police officers”, according to Vienna police. A woman wounded in an attack in central Vienna has since died of her injuries. Her death briought the civilian toll to…

  • Thailand Protest News

    “We love them all the same” – His Majesty comments about the Thai protesters

    In a rare moment, and certainly the first time commenting about the current political unrest, His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn has described Thailand as “the land of compromise”. The comment came in response from a question by Jonathan Miller, a correspondent of British broadcaster Channel 4, who was part of an audience of international media invited to sit among a crowd of royalist…

  • World News

    Typhoon Goni kills 22, many others missing, now heads towards Vietnam

    Typhoon Goni blasted its way across the northern island of Luzon, tracking just south of the capital Manila. It made landfall around 5am in the morning and by the end of the day it had crossed, heading westwards, and reached the South China Sea, having killed at least 22 and displacing more than 800,000 people. The latest death toll was…

  • Tourism News

    When hoteliers emerge from 2020, the business will be hard

    OPINION Is it time re-imagine the guest relationship? Globally, more than a hundred million travel and hospitality jobs will be lost in 2020 due to Covid-19. Here in Phuket, where I moved in 1988 as the opening general manager at Amanpuri, we have seen as many as 60,000 job losses in the hotel sector alone, which accounts for 86,000 registered rooms,…

  • Politics News

    POLL: Do you believe anything was achieved after last week’s emergency session?

    Asked about the effectiveness of last week’s emergency joint session to discuss the political impasse, most Thais believe the talkfest in the Thai Parliament was just a “stalling tactic”, buying time for the incumbent coalition government. The debate was held last Monday and Tuesday. There were no substantive motions coming from the 2 days of debate, merely the setting up…

  • Thailand Weather Updates

    Eerie green glow hovers over Ranong on Halloween

    Thai social media is in a meltdown after people shared photos an “eerie green glow” spotted in night sky over Ranong province in southern Thailand (5 hour drive north from Phuket). The pictures of the eerie green glow were snapped by residents living in Muang Ranong district. Of course the theories have been coming thick and fast – it was…

  • Covid-19 News

    England heads back into lockdown for a month

    England is being sent back inside, a return to a national lockdown after a troublesome surge of Covid-19 cases. Yesterday another 21,915 people were registered as new cases, and 326 died across the UK. Since the start of the pandemic in the UK there have been 1,011,660 cases and 46,555 deaths, a statistical death rate of 4.5%. The BritishPM Boris…

  • World News

    OBITUARY: Sean Connery, the original Bond and the sexiest man of the 20th century

    Sir Sean Connery has died aged 90. Jason Bond, his son, announced that he had died peacefully in his sleep after being “unwell for some time”. His career spanned some 70 movies. He was the first actor to have portrayed Ian Fleming’s British spy character James Bond, playing the role 7 times from 1962 to 1983. He won an Academy Award…

  • World News

    ‘Goni’ slams into Philippines’ coast, most powerful typhoon of the year – VIDEO

    Typhoon Goni, aka. ‘Rolly’, the region’s most powerful typhoon for 2020, has crossed the coastline in The Philippines packing sustained winds of 225 kilometres per hour. Goni hit Catanduanes island this morning just before 5am, Philippine time. It then moved onto the northern island of Luzon, and will pass some 100 kilometres south of the capital Manila. More than 500,000 people…

  • Covid-19 News

    Foreigners who test positive for C19 in Thailand won’t be able to use the public health system

    The battle to reopen Thailand’s borders is shaping up as a 3-way PR fight between economic hawks who are eager to re-open to reboot the country’s tourism industry, a government and medical officials resting on their laurels after containing the virus, and a risk-averse population who, survey after survey, indicate they are keen to keep the borders closed. In another…

  • Tourism News

    Nearly 5,000 Thai Airways staff to deplane in voluntary resignations

    Officially, 4,977 staff at Thai Airways have applied for different stages of its Mutual Separation Plan for the survival of the airline. In other words they’ve been politely asked to resign. The airline employs about 20,000 people. The beleaguered national carrier has endured a decade of substantial losses, endless headlines about systemic corruption, padded senior staff contracts and executive perks.…

  • World News

    Sir Sean Connery dies at 90 years of age

    Sir Sean Connery has died at the age of 90. The Scottish actor was best known for his portrayal of British spy 007 “Bond… James Bond”, doing his first Bond movie in 1962 in “Dr. No”. According to his son, Jason Connery, he died peacefully in his sleep in the Bahamas. He was knighted by the Queen at Holyrood Palace in…

  • Visa Information

    100+ foreigners ripped off in education visa scam on Koh Pha Ngan

    A language school in Koh Pha Ngan has ripped off more than 100 tourists claiming that they were able to issue them with a 1 year education visa. A group of the victims have made an official report with the local police over the scam. The tourists were from the US, UK, Germany, France and Russia. Manager Online report that more…

  • World News

    This year’s most powerful typhoon will hit Philippines tomorrow

    Typhoon Goni continues to bear down on The Philippines in one of the South China Sea’s busiest storm years. 220,000 people have now been evacuated as of today.The typhoon, packing “destructive winds’, is expected to reach the south-east of the Philippine’s main island of Luzon tomorrow morning with the eye of the storm passing over during Sunday afternoon. Forecasters are expecting…

  • Tourism News

    Suvarnabhumi’s new terminal ready for 2022

    The extension of the Suvarnabhumi terminal will be operational by the start of 2022, according to Thai transport minister Saksayam Chidchop. The new Satellite Terminal 1 at Suvarnabhumi International Airport will increase the total capacity of Thailand’s largest airport terminal by 15 million passengers a year, allowing the total airport capacity to cope with traffic up to 90 million per…

  • Economy News

    Dow and S&P 500 take a breath after an ugly week, tech stocks lead the way down

    US stocks closed lower yesterday to end an ugly week downbeat with ‘uncertainty’ remaining the overwhelming sentiment. Tech stocks led the march downwards. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped in its biggest monthly collapse since March with investors reacting to rising Covid-19 cases in the US and Europe, peppered by nervousness ahead of next Tuesday’s US presidential election. The increased…

  • Economy News

    Free Trade Agreement talks continue between Thailand and EU

    Thailand is resuming trade talks with the European Union on the long-delayed Thai-EU free trade agreement. The 15th Thai-EU Senior Officials’ conference was held virtually between leading Thai and European trade officials this week. The push was on to have the Free Trade Agreement signed and sealed by the end of this year. Discussions were held regarding the ongoing affects…

  • Tourism News

    Ang Thong National Park – Thailand’s most beautiful islands?

    Today Manit takes you to Thailand’s second-largest island Koh Samui and then on to the stunning Ang Thong National Marine Park off the coast of Surat Thani in the Gulf of Thailand to seek the answer to the question… are the Ang Thong National Marine Park islands Thailand’s most beautiful. Then we will explore a magnificent turquoise lagoon, enjoy paddling…

  • Thailand Protest News

    Four released, three re-arrested, drama outside the Bangkok Remand Prison

    Another evening of drama, but this time not in the streets but during the release and re-arrest of several of the key anti-government protest leaders. 3 of 4 protest leaders who were released on bail by the Criminal Court yesterday, after the court rejected a police request to keep them detained on remand, were re-arrested. The court rejected a police…