Thailand Video News | Bangkok Brawl between Filipino and Thai trans groups, Tesla eyes Thailand for new EV factory

In this video, Alex and Jay delve into the latest news in Thailand. Beginning with a brawl between Thai and Filipino trans groups erupts in Bangkok, while Elon Musk eyes the country for a new EV factory. In a surprising turn, former PM Yingluck Shinawatra is acquitted by the Supreme Court, amidst a backdrop of political tension. Meanwhile, two extraordinary births captivate the nation, one on the road and another mid-flight, showcasing life’s unpredictability.

A brawl between Thai and Filipino trans groups broke out in Bangkok

Chaos erupted early outside a hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 11 in Bangkok when a violent confrontation broke out between Thai and Filipino ladyboys. The conflict was sparked by an incident on March 5, involving the assault and robbery of a Thai ladyboy by around 20 Filipino ladyboys, leading the Thai group to demand justice. The situation escalated as hundreds of Thai individuals gathered in front of the hotel, shouting nationalistic slogans and demanding the Filipinos leave, which resulted in a tense standoff. Despite police efforts to mediate, violence ensued when the Thai group attacked the Filipinos, leading to police intervention and the arrest of an unspecified number of participants. The ordeal, which saw the police struggling to maintain order and prevent further violence, ended with several individuals being detained and transported to Lumpini Police Station, though the extent of injuries and the total number of arrests remain unclear.


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Elon Musk eyes Thailand as the latest country to develop an EV factory

Tesla, the renowned electric vehicle (EV) maker, is currently in discussions with the Thai government about establishing a production facility in Thailand, following a site survey conducted last year. The Thai government has proposed powering the potential facility entirely with green energy, which could be utilized for manufacturing either EVs or batteries. This move aligns with Thailand’s ambition to become the primary EV production hub in Southeast Asia, a region where Thailand is already the largest car producer and exporter. The country has also attracted significant investment from Chinese EV manufacturers, with commitments exceeding $1.44 billion, highlighting its growing importance in the global EV market.


Yingluck is in luck as the Supreme Court acquits the former PM

In a significant development for Thailand’s political landscape, the Supreme Court has acquitted former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra of negligence charges, marking a notable victory for the influential Shinawatra family, which has seen its political party return to power after ten years. Yingluck, who has been living in exile since 2017 to evade imprisonment over a controversial subsidy scheme, was exonerated unanimously by the court of allegations related to favoritism in government contract awards. This ruling follows the release of her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, a key figure in Thai politics, from hospital detention on parole. The court’s decision underscores a pivotal moment in Thailand’s two decades of political strife, involving the Shinawatra family and their confrontation with the country’s conservative and military factions. This acquittal not only clears Yingluck of the last standing case against her, potentially paving the way for her return to Thailand, but also intensifies speculations about the Shinawatra family’s influence on the current government, amidst ongoing debates about Thaksin’s role and his health condition.


A pair of births in transit are capturing widespread attention in the land of smiles

In a series of extraordinary events in Thailand, two unusual births captured widespread attention. Thitiwan Keardpum’s routine journey to a temple in Ayutthaya turned unforgettable when a pregnant woman she had just met gave birth in her car. The incident occurred after Thitiwan was flagged down by the woman’s partner for an urgent ride to the hospital, leading to the baby’s delivery in the vehicle, an experience Thitiwan shared on Facebook, expressing gratitude for being part of such a miraculous event. Meanwhile, in the skies between Taipei and Bangkok, pilot Jakarin Sararnrakskul added an unexpected title to his career by delivering a baby boy mid-flight. After being informed by his cabin crew of a woman in labor, Jakarin, with 18 years of flying experience, assisted in the birth, leaving the plane under his co-pilot’s control. Both the mother and the newborn, whimsically nicknamed “Sky,” landed safely, marking a proud moment for Jakarin and an unforgettable story of birth in the air. These incidents, one on the road and the other thousands of feet up in the sky, highlight the unpredictability of life and the extraordinary circumstances under which new lives can come into the world.

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