Bride shocked post-wedding by husband’s secret 3cm penis size

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An anonymous bride expressed her frustration on the Reddit platform under the thread title: “Husband, 32 years old, told me to wait until we got married to have sex, leaving me, at 27 years old, very confused and surprised to discover his little brother’s small size during our honeymoon.”

She had been in a relationship with her boyfriend for six months, and they married six months later, having never engaged in sexual activity. Despite numerous opportunities, he always stopped before they reached that point. Initially, she assumed he was just old-fashioned.


However, the truth was revealed on their honeymoon. She was taken aback when she discovered the real reason for her husband’s refusal to have sex with her – not because he was old-fashioned, but because he had a tiny penis, just 3 centimetres in size.

At the time, she didn’t want to embarrass him, so she acted as if nothing had happened and they completed their activities. But she was uncomfortable and couldn’t calm her emotions. She felt deceived but didn’t know what to do, reported Sanook.

Later, the wife updated her comment saying her husband admitted he was afraid she would leave him if she knew the truth before their marriage. However, when he saw the post, he considered divorcing her and suing her for defamation.

There has been no update on whether the couple are still together.

In related news, last year a survey conducted by online pharmacy From Mars compared erect penis sizes in 86 countries with Thai penises ranked as the 7th smallest in the world. The average erect Thai penis measures in at 4.27 inches (10.8cm).


The Thaiger is not sure about the accuracy of the measurements, or how they performed them. Some of the measurements may be ‘generous’ seeing as the study relied on self-reported data. Read more about the story HERE and find out if you measure up.

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World News

Samantha Rose

Samantha was a successful freelance journalist who worked with international news organisations before joining Thaiger. With a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from London, her global perspective on news and current affairs is influenced by her days in the UK, Singapore, and across Thailand. She now covers general stories related to Thailand.

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