Popular Malaysian singer/new mother dies from Covid

Yesterday, the popular Malaysian singer, Siti Sarah Raisuddin, died from Covid. Just days prior, the singer had given birth to her 4th child, Ayash Affan.
Siti Sarah had previously experienced low oxygen levels and had to be put in a medically induced coma to help deliver her baby. The baby was delivered safely, however, the mother never got to hold her newborn. The Singer was 37 years old at the time of her death.
Reportedly, the whole family had previously contracted Covid from a domestic worker.
The singer’s husband Shuib Sepahtu/Shahmira Muhamad posted on Instagram following his wife’s death to say his “heavenly angel” is “gone forever”.
The singer’s death caused shockwaves throughout Malaysia that reached all the way to the monarchy as the king and queen released a statement on Facebook expressing their condolences to Siti Sarah’s family.
Malaysia is currently in the midst of easting reactions despite the fact that Covid is still ravaging the country.