Malaysian flight MH370, or is it a pile of rocks?

An amateur UK sleuth claims this satellite image from Google Earth shows the outlines of what could be the doomed MH370 jet off the coast of Thailand and Myanmar.
The object he has presented as evidence appears to be shaped “like a large passenger plane”, sparking an unlikely theory it could be the missing jet itself.
“I’ve got a feeling it could be it. It’s the shape of it. If you look at it from above. I know it looks quite small but the ridges and mounds make me think it could be it.
MH370 vanished in March 2014 during a scheduled flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board. The plane has never been found despite a search that cost hundreds of millions and remains one of the greatest aviation mysteries in history.
“That was one of its rough radar positions. I think it’s been shut down, something like that. A cover up.”
The facts in the Sun Online article appear to vary wildly with the known evidence, as the location of this ‘blob’ on Google Earth does not fit with any possible location as calculated by aviation authorities in the three years since the flight’s disappearance.
The article doesn’t name the ‘amateur sleuth’, “who works in aviation security,” but he goes on to claim that ‘experts’ believe the suspected southern Indian Ocean location might be wrong without citing any evidence.
Full story from the Sun Online HERE.
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