Phuket launches pilot reforestation project for combating climate change

A unique pilot project bolstering reforestation efforts was initiated in Phuket yesterday. This initiative marks a concentrated effort towards environmental sustainability and energy efficiency.
Spearheaded by the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) and the Rowing Association of Thailand, the project saw its launch at the Nai Harn public park in Rawai. The event was strategically selected based on a national rowing event scheduled to take place there for five days.
This reforestation venture supports EGAT’s overarching ambition of reviving local ecosystems through the creation of green spaces. This is in line with EGAT’s commitment to maintaining a carbon-neutral stance by 2050.
The ceremonial proceedings were graced by the attendance of Phuket’s Vice Governor, Anupap Rodkwan Yodrambam, alongside other figures like Admiral Chainarong Charoenrak, the President of the Rowing Association of Thailand, Rawai’s Mayor Aroon Solos, and Somsak Prangthong, EGAT’s Director of Social Affairs. Additionally, several government officials and rowing association members, who were expected to participate in the local competition, were present, reported The Phuket News. Vice Governor Anupap said…
“This reforestation scheme aligns perfectly with Phuket province’s drive towards creating a Smart Environment. The plantation of new trees significantly assists in combating climatic changes, reducing carbon dioxide levels, rehabilitating the ecosystem’s vitality, and bolstering the quality of life for the local denizens.”
Expanding on the involvement of the athletes, Admiral Chainarong emphasized how the EGAT King’s Cup event provided an opportune moment for competitors to take part in the project, assisting with tree planting. He said…
“This collaborative attempt will aid in spreading awareness about natural resource conservation and contribute towards EGAT’s vision of planting a million trees in the foreseeable future.”
Somsak, chiming in on EGAT’s ‘carbon neutral by 2050’ project, outlined how this contributes to the clean energy goals stipulated in the national energy plan. He said…
“This participatory initiative is one of the strategies to ensure sustainability in natural resources, environment, and energy. The project aims at increasing the country’s green cover, promoting the reduction of carbon dioxide – the most predominant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere. We encourage more people to take up tree planting to fulfil these goals.”
Post the inaugural ceremony, around 200 individuals began the tree plantation in the nearby demarcated areas, marking this the first of such initiatives in the Nai Harn region. The plan is to establish three forests over an area of two rai, including over 250 fruit trees.
“EGAT’s objective is to plant 100,000 rai of forest annually- including conservation forests, community forests, economic forests, and mangrove forests. The goal is to total 1 million rai within ten years (2022 and 2031). Somsak said…
“This could significantly counterbalance carbon dioxide emissions by over 1.2 million tonnes annually. It is estimated that, across the project span, over 23 million tonnes of carbon will be absorbed and stored.”