49 baby leatherback sea turtles hatched on Phang Nga Beach – VIDEOS

PHOTOS / VIDEOS: Thon Thamrongnawasawat/ DMCR
49 baby leatherback sea turtle hatched on Kuek Kak Beach in Takua Pa, Phang Nga last night. 48 of them have survived and headed straight for the Andaman Sea once they got their bearings.
A large leatherback sea turtle had laid eggs on a beach in Phang Nga in December.
Read more about the delight when the turtle laid the eggs HERE.
The Department of Marine and Coastal Resources reports that the first baby hatched at 7.05pm. 20 of them came up to the sand surface by themselves while 29 of them needed some help to make their way out.
The first 20 baby turtles headed to the sea at 8.10pm. The second group of 20 were released at 8.40pm. The final 8 which headed for the shores of the Andaman at 9.30pm last night.
75,300 people watched the birth of leatherback sea turtle hatchlings on Live video from https://loveseaturtle.dmcr.go.th last night.
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