Phuket Opinion: Santa says a smile is the best Christmas gift of all

ON DECEMBER 25, Santa Claus will be attending a plethora of activities being held across Phuket, among them will be the annual Christmas celebrations at Bangkok Hospital Phuket. Here, the jolly “Hospital Santa” explains what Christmas in Phuket truly means to him.
There are many foreigners living in and visiting Phuket, and I am sure that they are going to celebrate Christmas or at least take part in some special event on December 25 to mark the occasion. This is why having Santa on the island is so very, very important.
Being Santa is very special for me because parents usually celebrate Christmas as a way of letting the kids enjoy the season. And as Santa, I get to help bring joy into the lives of the kids by making them feel special.
At the hospital, I will give the children candies and sweets and small presents, like dolls. These are what my helpers prepare each year. But we will also enjoy fun games and activities, and the children will be encouraged to join me and my helpers in singing carols.
You don’t have to buy presents for children to bring joy into their lives. True Christmas presents come in many forms, just making them laugh and smile is a wonderful gift. Even if it is just a small smile, which is so simple, but which I consider to be the most valuable of gifts.
The children on Phuket do not smile enough, so if I can make them smile, it gives me overwhelming joy.
Santa usually drives his sleigh pulled by flying reindeer, but since I will be the ‘Santa of the hospital’, I might have to drive a wheelchair down the halls instead. I’ll also have to check exactly which gifts I have for the health and safety board this year.
While doing the rounds every Christmas, we also visit outpatients, showering them with gifts while singing carols. They are often in much need of some Christmas cheer.
Being a Santa is something that I am very proud of, as a Santa brings joy and happiness to many people, and to me, happiness is more precious than money or any other gifts.
It is not easy to make people happy, and a chance to bring them happiness does not come often, so on this special occasion I am glad to be the one to fill their hearts with love and bring smiles to their faces.
— Orawin Narabal
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