Monk, vendor, & balloon seller strike gold with ‘ugly’ lottery tickets

Picture courtesy of Bangkok Post

Three unlikely winners, a monk, a toy vendor, and a balloon seller, each scooped a cool 6 million baht after purchasing a set of ‘ugly’ lottery tickets. Initially overlooked, these tickets turned out to hold the coveted first prize.

The buzz began to reverberate through Khon Kaen on Saturday, February 1, as the Government Lottery Office announced the winning number for the top prize: 558700.

Among the other victorious figures were 285-418 for the three-digit front prize, 824-685 for the three-digit back prize, and 51 for the two-digit prize. But it was the number 558700 that weaved unexpected magic, revealing a triumphant troika at its heart.

Amid the excitement, three locals emerged as the proud possessors of this winning number, thanks to an impromptu purchase from the same street vendor. The winners, a devout monk, an enterprising balloon seller, and a vivacious toy vendor, each held a piece of the jackpot puzzle.

Porntacha, a 50 year old toy vendor and one of the lucky trio, recalled the moment serendipity knocked at her door. While hawking toys at the bustling agricultural fair at Khon Kaen University, a lottery vendor approached her with what appeared to be a last-ditch offer: a set of three seemingly unremarkable tickets.

Despite the numbers lacking allure, Porntacha bit the bullet, reasoning that even clinching the final three digits, 700, would be a win in itself. Unknown to her, the celestial odds were in her favour, as a monk and a balloon seller also snapped up a ticket each.

Monk, vendor, & balloon seller strike gold with ‘ugly’ lottery tickets | News by Thaiger
Picture of Porntacha courtesy of Sanook

As Porntacha busied herself with her stall, ears tuned to the lottery results, she was caught off-guard by the announcement of the winning number ending in 700.

Initially neglecting the first three digits, it wasn’t until a second glance that the full gravity of her fortune dawned upon her: she had clinched the first prize. Ecstasy gave way to jubilant shouts, and before long, the vibrant news had wings, fluttering through the air and drawing an enthusiastic circle of congratulatory cheers from those around her.

The reality of her good fortune still settling in, Porntacha described the sheer shock of holding a winning ticket, admitting that it took a moment to gather her composure. But with clarity came resolve: her newfound wealth would first clear her car loan and wipe away her lingering debts.

In a tale that melds practicality with providence, Porntacha, alongside her newfound lottery comrades, proved that sometimes, fortune favours the bold.

Their unexpected windfall stands as a beacon of luck and an inspiring reminder that magic can hide in the most unassuming of places.

Thailand News

Bob Scott

Bob Scott is an experienced writer and editor with a passion for travel. Born and raised in Newcastle, England, he spent more than 10 years in Asia. He worked as a sports writer in the north of England and London before relocating to Asia. Now he resides in Bangkok, Thailand, where he is the Editor-in-Chief for The Thaiger English News. With a vast amount of experience from living and writing abroad, Bob Scott is an expert on all things related to Asian culture and lifestyle.

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