Today is the shortest day of the year in Thailand

Thailand will see just 11 hours of daylight today as the Winter Solstice graces the world’s northern hemisphere. It is the shortest day – and longest night – of the year.

Today, December 22, the Earth’s poles reach their maximum tilt away from the sun.

On Wednesday, the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) said…

“Winter solstice is regarded as the first day of winter in the northern hemisphere, but for those in the southern hemisphere it will be the first day of summer.”

Thais call the event “tawan oom khao” (sun indirectly reaches the rice.) The name comes from the belief that the sun will not be strong, allowing farmers to harvest their rice without getting burned.

The sun rose at 6.36am today in Thailand. The sun will descend at just 5.55pm, providing just 11 hours and 19 minutes of daylight.

From today onward, the days will gradually get longer until the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2023, which will be the longest day of the year in Thailand.

During the Summer Solstice this year, the sun reigned over the sky for almost 13 hours, marking the beginning of the summer season.

During the Spring Equinox on March 20, the length of day and night will be nearly equal in all parts of the world.

Similarly, the day and night will be almost equal during the Autumnal Equinox on September 22, when the sun crosses the celestial equator once more.

Thailand News


Leah is a translator and news writer for the Thaiger. Leah studied East Asian Religions and Thai Studies at the University of Leeds and Chiang Mai University. Leah covers crime, politics, environment, human rights, entertainment, travel and culture in Thailand and southeast Asia.

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