Thai tree felling tragedy claims motorcycle rider’s life

A Thai man was felling a neem tree along the roadside when it collapsed onto a passing motorcycle rider, resulting in his death in the central province of Suphan Buri.
A motorist came across the injured Thai man, later identified as 24 year old Kritsana Siangjaew, on the Liab Klong Chonlaprathan Road in the Uthong district of Suphan Buri province yesterday, April 9. The motorist then notified Uthong Police Station officers of the discovery.
Police coordinated with a rescue team and hurried to the scene to assist Kritsana. They discovered him lying in a pool of blood on the road, sustaining wounds across his body, including severe injuries to his head, nose, and mouth.
Despite receiving CPR from rescuers, Kritsana tragically passed away due to his injuries at the scene. His overturned motorcycle was found nearby, accompanied by a section of the neem tree lying beside the road.
Following an investigation, police determined that the fallen tree was the cause of the accident. However, the individual responsible for cutting it was absent from the scene.
As police prepared to depart, a 33 year old Thai man named Samart approached officers and confessed to being the person who felled the tree.
Samart explained that he gradually cut down the tree with a chainsaw due to its large trunk. The tree leaned across the road like a tunnel as Kritsana approached the scene on his motorcycle.
Samart revealed that despite this obstruction, Kritsana attempted to ride through the gap between the tree and the road. Unfortunately, he collided with the tree, causing his motorcycle to collapse.
Samart claimed that he did not intend to flee the scene but was instead shocked by the incident and rushed home to compose himself before meeting with the police.
Even though Samart claimed it was an accident, he still faces a charge of recklessness causing death. The penalty is up to 10 years imprisonment, a fine of up to 200,000 baht, or both under Section 291 of the Criminal Law.
Police will conduct further investigations to determine whether the tree belonged to Samart or was public property. If it is found that Samart cut down the tree without permission, he could face additional charges.