Thai TikTok star denies illegal abortion allegations

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

The Thai TikTok star accused of forcing women into illegal abortions denied the allegations.

A woman recently accused Dong, a popular and attractive TikTok personality, of coercing her into an illegal abortion that nearly caused her to take her own life. It was further alleged that Dong had a pattern of encouraging women to terminate their pregnancies, with some victims being driven to the point of suicide.

The 24 year old TikTok star, accompanied by a female friend, appeared at Pratunam Chulalongkorn Police Station in Pathum Thani at 10am today to meet with Police Captain Pornjet Prommun, the investigating officer. Dong had previously filed a complaint against the accuser, seeking an investigation to identify the person responsible for the defamatory social media posts.

Dong stated that the allegations had severely damaged his reputation and insisted that the claims were untrue.

“The statements about me forcing women to have abortions and people dying are completely false. Both of us know what actually happened.”

The initial accusations, which surfaced on social media, claimed that Dong had impregnated multiple women and then pressured them into having abortions. The posts painted a grim picture of a man repeatedly evading responsibility and leaving a trail of emotional and physical harm.

Dong mentioned that the accuser, an 18 year old Thai woman nicknamed AE, had initially agreed to meet him at Siam but later changed the location to Pratunam Chulalongkorn Police Station after a phone conversation. They were set to discuss the matter further in the presence of law enforcement officials. Dong expressed his reluctance to speak publicly about the issue, stating that his lawyer advised against making any statements at this time.

“This situation has caused me immense distress because none of the allegations are true. The claim about forcing women into abortions is a fabrication, and there have been no deaths.”

The police are investigating the origins of the defamatory posts and determining the veracity of the allegations. This case has attracted significant public attention, partly due to Dong’s popularity on TikTok and the seriousness of the accusations.

Dong remains steadfast in his denial of the allegations, maintaining that he will cooperate fully with the authorities to clear his name, reported KhaoSod.

ORIGINAL STORY: Thai TikTok star accused of coercing women into illegal abortions

An 18 year old woman disclosed that a TikTok star deceived her into having unprotected sex, coerced her into undergoing an illegal abortion, and subsequently refused to take responsibility. It has emerged that this incident is not isolated.

The TikTok star has a history of coercing victims into having abortions, causing some to become so distressed that they took their own lives. The perpetrator’s mother blamed the victims for bringing the issue to light.

AE (nickname) spoke to Khaosod Online at 1pm today about being coerced by Dong (nickname) into an illegal abortion, endangering her life. It was later discovered that Dong had a pattern of urging women to abort pregnancies, with some victims resorting to suicide.

AE recounted that in early February, she was contacted by Dong on Instagram. Initially indifferent, she gradually responded due to his persistent messages. On February 25, Dong invited her to meet at Chatuchak Park and then took her to a condominium in Pathum Thani. They had unprotected sex, after which their communication dwindled.

By April 18, AE noticed her period was late, initially attributing it to stress from exams and sports events. A pregnancy test confirmed she was nine weeks pregnant.

When AE informed Dong, he denied responsibility, and provided contact details for an abortion doctor, claiming this as his form of responsibility. AE was distraught, wanting to keep the baby as it already had a heartbeat.

Pregnancy hotline

Dong insisted she abort the pregnancy, citing his role as the family’s primary caretaker and how the situation would disrupt his duties. He claimed several friends had used the same doctor without issues.

AE hesitated but eventually sought advice from a pregnancy hotline, where officials assured her the doctor was qualified. Dong took her to a hotel in Rangsit on May 27 and ordered two pills from the clinic. AE experienced severe pain as the fetus was expelled.

Dong placed the fetus in a bag and left AE in the room. Despite severe bleeding, Dong was reluctant to take her to the hospital due to financial concerns. AE endured a night of pain and, by noon the next day called a taxi to a hospital in Bang Phli, Samut Prakan. Doctors treated her for vaginal inflammation and performed a curettage.

After AE had been discharged from the hospital, Dong ceased all communication and continued his reckless behaviour with other women. Outraged by his actions, AE decided to expose Dong.

Numerous women, claiming to be his ex-girlfriends, shared similar stories of being deceived, impregnated, and forced into abortions. Some revealed Dong’s threats to release compromising videos if they refused sex, leading some to comply under duress. Shockingly, Dong had falsely claimed to be a student at a prestigious university.

AE, distraught by Dong’s lack of remorse, reported him for statutory rape. In retaliation, Dong’s mother accused AE of defaming her son.

AE urged Dong to take responsibility and reform his behaviour, citing the severe consequences of his actions on his victims, reported KhaoSod.

If you or anyone you know is in emotional distress, please contact the Samaritans of Thailand 24-hour hotline: 02 713 6791 (English), 02 713 6793 (Thai), or the Thai Mental Health Hotline at 1323 (Thai). Please also contact your friends or relatives at this time if you have feelings of loneliness, stress, or depression. Seek help.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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