Mysterious creature kills chickens, supernatural incidents in Suphan Buri village

Supernatural incidents occurred in Suphanburi province, where villagers discovered several chickens with broken necks and disembowelled carcasses. Locals fear supernatural interference, as they also witnessed mysterious floating lights in the area.
Boonlai Phetkul, 56 years old, disclosed that the supernatural incidents took place in a neighbour’s chicken coop. Ten chickens were found dead in total since May 23, with five of them completely gutted, their necks broken, and placed in an orderly fashion. No blood or scattered feathers were found at the scene.
On the night of May 24, amidst a frightening atmosphere, dogs were barking and whining, prompting villagers to investigate the following morning, discovering five more dead chickens. After posting the incident on Facebook, it was reported that a neighbour had captured images of mysterious floating lights in the sky above. Boonlai believes that these events may be connected to supernatural beings such as the ghostly Kra-Sue or Poab, rather than animal attacks, due to the peculiar nature of the carcasses.
Nattawut Sra-Thongphrom, 28 years old, the person who captured the floating lights on camera, explained that on the day he took the photos, he heard dogs barking and went to check. He saw the lights near a coconut tree behind his house, and they were as high as an electric pole. He described the lights as bright, with red, yellow, white, blue, and green colours, unlike typical fire. They moved slowly, and as Nattawut thought it could be Kra-Sue, he bravely captured the scene on his mobile phone.
Two days ago, there was a call for an exorcism ceremony at the infamous ‘100-corpse intersection’ in Thailand’s northern Phayao province. The local community sought the help of monks to perform the ritual as ongoing accidents and fatalities have left residents on edge. The ceremony aims to harness positive energy through chanting mantras, with the intention of expelling the spirits believed to haunt the area.