Some Tak locals say the deaths of 10 men are related to a ghost looking for a husband

Locals reportedly believe that the deaths of 10 men in a community in the western province Tak, bordering Myanmar, were related… to a ghost of a widow. Some local men have even moved away for the time being until the “ghost” problem is solved. At one house, locals hung up a red shirt with a sign that read in Thai “No men inside the house” in an effort to prevent the spirit from entering and taking another soul.
Some Thais, mostly in northeastern provinces, believe that a ghost of a widow will take men’s souls to her husbands in the afterlife. Those men are said to die unexpectedly, some healthy with no confirmed cause of death. When a number of men in a community die around the same time, like in Tak, some will say a widow spirit is haunting the area, looking for a husband.
A 60 year old woman living in Tak told Thai media that more than 10 men recently died. Some of them were sick, but some did not have apparent conditions that would lead to death.
Some locals were scared and thought it might be a widow ghost. To protect the men living at one house, people hung up a red shirt in order to spoof and chase the ghost away, which is a practice that has been passed from generation to generation. Locals will also gather to make merit at a temple.
SOURCE: Khaosod